Chapter 5: Jealousy

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Hanni and Minji ran to the first slide that they saw as they took the 2-people floaties and started queuing up. Hanni was still absolutely mesmerised by Minji's gorgeous figure in the bikini she was wearing.

Minji started getting uncomfortable at all the staring, not only was Hanni not even trying to hide the fact that she was checking her out, but the guys in front and behind her were staring at her like a prize to be won  too.

"Hanni, actually, can we go to the shop to get another swimsuit, I don't feel confident in this one," She said, thinking that the stares were people judging her body.

Hanni looked at Minji as she starts to notice all the people around her looking at Minji with thirsty eyes and nodded and held Minji's hands, "Let's go."

They ran as fast as possible, with Minji frantically adjusting her bikini every 5 second to make sure that she didn't show more than she wanted to.

Just then, a girl, wearing a similar bikini, in a similar height than Minji, approached her. 

"Hey," The girl introduced herself. Minji can't help but to blush a little, looking at the stranger.

"Hey," Minji said as she started stretching, trying to let her bikini move so she can reveal and impress.

"Are you single?" The stranger asked with a flirty tone. Hanni stared at them, not knowing what to do, the girl had a better body than her, and her breath smelled a bit too much like wine, the girl was obviously a bit tipsy.

"I am," Minji said, putting her hand on the girl's shoulders as she moved her hand around, stroking the stranger's bare skin.

"Well, do you want to go out with me?" The girl said as she started spinning around, letting Minji check her out.

Minji widened her eyes at the girl's bold words as she replied, "I can't say no to that." She smirked.

Suddenly, the small girl jumped between the two girls, "but I can!"

"Hanni!" Minji screaked.

"And who are you?" The stranger raised her eyebrows, clearly dissatisfied that the smaller girl had interrupted her intimate conversation.

"I'm her... best-friend! Now leave us alone!" Hanni shouted as she yanked Minji away.

As Minji stared at the beauty, who was crossing her arms on her curvy hips, she directed Hanni to a nearby corner before asking her angrily, "What's up with you?"

"Can't you tell she's drunk? She probably doesn't mean what she said!" Hanni explained desperately. To be honest, she just didn't like how Minji was paying so much attention to the stranger when it's supposed to be their day out.

"But she's hot..." Minji sighed disappointingly as she tried to run off to chase the girl that approached her earlier.

"You're just a girl I met 1 week ago! Who are you to say who I should go out with and who I shouldn't?" She huffed furiously as she started insulting her best-friend, "Don't you forget I paid for your ticket here! Ugh, forget it, just have fun yourself, I'm going to find the girl."

Hanni stared at Minji's silhouette as she ran off hurriedly, running wildly trying to find the stranger from earlier. The longer she stared, the more blurry her vision got and she started feeling her eyes get moist. Her eyes became a pint of red and tears started to overflow her eyes, she desperating looked up at the sky, trying to prevent her tears from coming out even more but her sobbing didn't stop. She tried squeezing her eyes shut but she started heaving and whimpering as she used her forearm to wipe her tears and bolted towards the locker room as she curdled into a ball and sobbed non-stop in the changing room.

"It was supposed to be only me and Minji..." Hanni muttered to herself as she started hyperventilating, depressed about how Minji left her for a random drunk girl she just met a few minutes ago. "Why can't she notice me like she notices the girl?" Hanni started shaking and trembling even more as she sulked in jealousy, thinking of how Minji and the girl are probably enjoying themselves out there without her, while rocking her body back and forth violently and screamed into her curled-up legs, making the strangers next to her look at her in fear, before quickly taking their clothes to change somewhere else.

On the other side, Minji found the girl sitting at the bar in the middle of the pool, she quickly swam towards the girl as she sat next to her.

"Hey," She smirked flirtingly.

"Oh, what's up?" The stranger said as she smiled, seeing that the beauty came back to her.

"Wanna go have some fun?" Minji said as she wrapped her hand around the stranger's waist. As she felt her bare-skin, she started to turn red as a tomato and heat up, before getting shy and jumping into the water.

The girl watched her in surprised, before waiting for Minji to come back up to the surface and commented, "You're cute... let's go," She shrugged as she held out her hand for Minji to hold.

Minji felt her heart beat faster as she felt flustered and interlocked her fingers with the girl and the both of them started swimming towards shore and walked towards one of the slides as they started to queue.

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