Chapter 12: The Barista

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"Hey, one usual please," Minji told the cat-eyed barista.

The barista smiled at her customer, she had been waiting to get a chance with her ever since she first stepped into this cafe, she had been the barista who was always serving Hanni and Minji.

"Of course!" The barista flirted with a contagious smile, her eyes becoming straight as she grinned from ear to ear.

The barista came back with her coffee and the sandwich Minji always get Hanni. Then barista then "accidentally" placed her hand on Minji, brushing it, before she blushed.

"Thank you," Minji thanked as she walked out, before realising Hanni was coming into the cafe.

"Hey Hanni!" She greeted her.

Hanni kissed Minji on the cheek, which made the barista frown. "Heya girlfriend!"

"Energetic much?" Minji teased as they walked towards an empty table.

"You know it! Aww you got me my sandwich?" Hanni said, opening her mouth for Minji to feed her like a child.

"Yea, I thought you weren't coming in today, you're usually earlier than me," Minji replied, placing the sandwich carefully between the girl's upper and lower tooth.

"Messed up my make-up today..." Hanni explained, munching on the foot in the process, "So I came late."

"You don't need make-up," Minji complimented, staring at the little girl's beauty.

"Aww thanks... Wait what's that under the holder of your coffee?" Hanni asked, pointing at the piece of paper which was poking out.

"Eh?" Minji looked at it, "I didn't notice there was something there." 

She snatched the folded piece of paper out: Hi, I'm the barista, my name's Haerin! I always thought you look cute so I slipped you this piece of paper, call me!

Under the cursive words, there was a phone number.

"What is it?" Hanni asked curiously as she poked her head trying to take a peak before Minji hurriedly snuffed it inside of her pocket.

"It's nothing," She lied. Hanni didn't like how Minji said it, but she didn't want to press on any further as she shrugged it off.

"Come on let's go to school," Minji said as she started to stand up, crumpling the plastic wrapper sheet of the sandwich which Hanni had finished and threw it towards the recycling bin. Both of them held hands as they walked out of the cafe. But as Minji passed by the counter, she looked back at Haerin.

Haerin made a telephone hand-sign and mouthed, "Call me," before winking with her big eyes. 

Minji tilted her head as if saying: I'll see.

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