Chapter 8: The Kiss

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For the next few days, Hanni still gave Minji the silent treatment. But despite everything, Minji still continued to buy her breakfast and pay for her ride home everyday.

Slowly, Hanni started to softened up with Minji.

She knew she shouldn't have. After what her parents told her today. But she couldn't resist Minji's pretty face.

"Why are you doing this?" Hanni asked, which made Minji shocked because her best-friend haven't talked to her since that day.

"I'm just really sorry," Minji said as she continued to feed Hanni her breakfast. Despite her being mad at Minji, Minji's acts of service always makes Hanni melt in the inside, even if she won't admit it.

Hanni nodded, "Fine, I'll forgive you."

"Really?" Minji gasped, she was waiting for Hanni for days.

"Yea, you've shown me you've cared enough for me," She said as she wrapped her hand around her best friend's neck and kissed her cheek.

"Awww, getting all sweet and clingy on me already?" Minji teased as she kissed Hanni's cheeks back in return.

But as Minji leaned in, Hanni suddenly turned her head to look at Minji.

Minji's eyes widened as she was suddenly caught kissing her best friend's lips.

She didn't know why but she enjoyed the kiss. Hanni's plumb lips on hers made her feel something, she didn't know what it was, but she could feel her stomach tie in knots.

Hanni quickled yanked back the peck, much to the dismay of Minji, she wanted to explore her feelings further and not let go.

"Sorry!" Hanni yelped.

Minji chuckled at the flustered Hanni, extending her hand to brush the strand of hair away from her pretty face, which was all red right now.

Maybe she didn't notice it before, but Hanni was looking extra cute. Her long silky hair and her doe eyes made her seem like a celebrity on TV.

"I'm gonna... see you tomorrow in school," Hanni shuffled awkwardly as she started walking to her door before realising that this was her house.

"I mean... see you soon!" Hanni quickly bolted towards the back of Minji before pushing her with all her strength out of the door, but the little girl was no match for the tall girl.

"Fine, I'll show myself out, but remember to talk to me tomorrow!" Minji winked before walking off.

Hanni touched her lips in disbelief: Did she just kiss Minji? Why didn't she seem awkward or angry at it?

She sighed and groaned at herself: She shouldn't have done that. She couldn't afford to fall in love with Minji again.

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