Chapter 7

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It was a fairly uneventful three-day trip to Ivarstead (which would have taken Lucy only two days, but Emmet wasn't used to keeping up such a grueling pace so she'd had to slow down for him). They'd bid each other farewell at the bottom of the Seven Thousand Steps, and Emmet started his solo trek with no small amount of nervousness. He wasn't sure what to expect from the Greybeards; the only thing that kept him from getting too worked up over it was the fact that Lucy didn't seem the least bit worried. She'd heard about how secluded the Greybeards were from the rest of the world, and honestly thought a few days of calm would do Emmet good, after everything that had happened. The poor guy hadn't been able to catch a break.

With him taken care of, she made her own way to where the rest of the rebel army was to meet up again. The Thalmor apparently didn't think them bold enough to make their headquarters right in the middle of a city- Windhelm, to be exact, in the rather expansive home of a wealthy healer's son. Bruce had offered his house and his finances for the cause, already fighting the Dominion from the shadows. His information network covered all of Skyrim, keeping him as up to date on the Thalmors' movements as could be managed. He'd fancied himself some sort of vigilante when they'd first met, and there was no arguing he was one of the best fighters in the rebellion. He'd taught Lucy a few new tricks, after all.

She pulled her hood up as she approached the city; Windhelm was a fitting name for it, constantly battered by bitter cold gales as it was. The snow never seemed to stop, there. She made her way through the city unbothered, and shook herself off as she let herself into the manor. Alfred, Bruce's housecarl, greeted her at the door.

"Welcome home, Miss Lucy," he said, and she grinned at him.

"Thanks, Alfred. It's good to be home. How many of the others made it?"

"I believe most who were reported captured have returned. Lady Mayhem already informed me of the deaths of our few missing members." Lucy nodded, sobering at the reminder. They would be sorely missed. "You are the last to return. Have you news for us?"

"Do I ever," she answered. "You're not going to believe what happened to me!"

"Then it is just as well that the Black Knight has also made his return."

Lucy perked up at that. "He's here?"

"I shall make the rounds so you only have to tell your story once."

"Thank you, Alfred." She made her way over to the silver closet, popping open the false back and making her way into their hidden headquarters. Bruce and Alfred had spent years carving it out and perfecting it when a chance accident had revealed a cavern behind the original wall, turning it into the perfect place to hide should the Legion or the Thalmor come calling. It was also every bit as comfortably furnished as the house above it, truly making it feel like a home.

"Lucy!" Mayhem called out, and ran over to greet her. "I was starting to fear the worst!" Lucy smiled, accepting her tall friend's hug.

"I'm alright, just had quite the adventure is all. I'll tell you all about it once Alfred's done rounding everyone up. How's the Queen?"

"Mourning our lost brothers and sisters," Mayhem said softly. "She always takes it so hard. She's been ready to start mourning you too, even though I told her you made it out of Helgen."

"I should probably go see her before I do anything else," Lucy sighed. "I keep telling her I can look after myself."

"So could Denny, and Astrid, and Justinus, and Faiza..." Mayhem pointed out, and Lucy flinched.

"Alright, I get the point..."

"She just worries, is all. And we've lost enough people already. Please don't add to our fallen."

"I don't intend to." She made her way to the Queen's quarters and knocked gently.

"Come in," came the unusually quiet response. Mayhem hadn't been kidding when she said the Queen was taking it hard. Lucy let herself in.

"I'm back," she said, voice equally soft. The Queen brightened up a bit upon seeing her, and wiped at her eyes before rushing over to grab her into a crushing hug.

"Lucy! Oh, I was so worried-"

"I know, and I'm sorry for scaring you, Your Majesty. But I've got quite a story to tell. Alfred's getting everyone else together, so meet us in the Hall when you're ready?"

"No time like the present," the Queen said, taking the lead. Lucy smiled a bit and followed her out. She looked around at all the faces waiting eagerly to hear her tale, and sure enough, even the Black Knight was there, leaning in his customary spot with his arms folded across his chest. She'd thought it intimidating when she'd first met him, but had quickly come to learn he was simply making himself comfortable. The armor was a lot scarier than the person inside, at least off the battlefield. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't know if the news has made it this far yet, but if you have managed to hear the rumors- yes, a Dragonborn has been found."

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