Chapter 38

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The airship and its various pieces had been moved outside to the training grounds by the time Lucy and Emmet returned to the Temple. They were very surprised to see the rest of the rebellion waiting for them there. "What happened?" Lucy asked.

"We were found," Jenny explained. "They burned the old place." Lucy had to sit down. That had been home for the past five years. "I know," the alchemist soothed, voice soft and sad. "We almost didn't make it out."

"Benny didn't say anything...?"

"...He was having a rough time of his own."

"Oh no," Lucy sighed. A 'rough time' for Benny meant he'd lost himself for a while.

"Yeah. And then Bruce had the nerve to yell at him about it when he finally turned up again."

"That idiot," she growled. "Benny annoys the crap out of me, but even I wouldn't do that to him."

"He found an airship," Jenny explained. "He's... he's been outside working on it ever since. Whenever he's actually here, anyway, which has been maybe twice and very briefly since he came back."

"Is he here now?" Emmet asked.

"I don't know, but you can go look. He'll be out at the training grounds."


"Through those big doors up there," she pointed. Emmet nodded and headed outside.

"Oh, wow," he gasped upon seeing the mostly-complete airship propped up in the middle of the training grounds. "Benny? Are you out here?"

"Up here," came a response. It didn't hold any of his usual cheer. Emmet looked around for a way up.


"Oh, right. Sorry." Emmet watched as he dropped himself down over the side.

"Hey, are you okay...?"

Benny shrugged. "Been a rough week."

"Yeah, Jenny said. Bruce is a big jerk."

A grin slowly made its way across Benny's face. "Coming from you? That's like the worst insult ever," he giggled.

"Do you need a hug?"

"Nah, I'm cool. Thanks for offering though."

"Your airship looks like it's coming along well."

"It is!" Benny chirped. "I've almost got the shell put together, then I'll tackle the engine. Did you find out what you needed to know?"

"Sort of," Emmet sighed. "I got pointed in a direction, at least. I need to find an Elder Scroll."

Benny whistled. "That so? You know, those used to be housed in the White-Gold Tower. Until the Concordat was signed, at least."

"What happened after that?"

"They 'mysteriously vanished'." He grinned widely. Emmet stared at him.

"...You had something to do with that, didn't you?"

"Maybe~" Benny sang, and rocked back on his heels. "Couldn't let the Thalmor get their hands on them, that would be the end of us all." Emmet laughed.

"Would you know where I can find one now, then?"


"But you just said-"

"I used the Wabbajack to scatter them, it's not like I personally took them to each location they're at now, wherever those may be. So I honestly haven't a clue where any of them ended up, it's unpredictable like that."


"Yeah. But hey, you should go check out the College of Winterhold. Last I knew there was something of an expert on the Scrolls hanging out there. Bit of a crazy fellow named Septimus Signus."

"Sounds like he's right up your alley." Benny laughed.

"He does, doesn't he? But he should be able to tell you exactly where you can find an Elder Scroll."

Emmet grinned. "Great! Thanks, Benny!"

Benny's smile softened. "No, thank you, Emmet."

"Huh? What for?"

"For taking the time to make sure I'm alright and cheer me up. I needed that."

"Oh." Emmet smiled back. "You're welcome, I'm glad I could help."

"And hey." Benny became serious. "Be careful, yeah? Something gives me the feeling Mora's gonna have his slimy tentacles all over this."

Emmet shuddered. "Thanks for the warning."

"Good luck."

Emmet waved and made his way back inside. "Was he out there?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, I found him. I think he's okay now."

"That's good," she said, relieved.

"I asked him about the Elder Scrolls, he said there's supposed to be an expert on them at the College of Winterhold."

Lucy smacked a palm to her forehead. "Why didn't I think of that? Come on, let's go find Kitty."

"What? Why?"

"She's a member of the College, or at least was, I don't know if they'll still honor that. But she should be able to get us in. Hopefully."

"Oh." He nodded, following her through the temple in search of the Khajiit. It didn't take too long to find her, helping Watevra set up shop in their new infirmary. It had taken a while to gather the necessary materials to craft a new alchemy table, and to collect enough ingredients to start replenishing their potion supply. The two of them glanced over, realizing they had company.

"Hi!" Kitty chirped. "How'd it go??"

"Feels like we're on a goose chase," Lucy sighed. "Greybeards don't know the Shout Emmet needs but told him how he might learn it, so we came back here to see if Vitruvius knows anything about Elder Scrolls, Emmet asked Benny and now we need to get into the College."

"Goodness, that is a goose chase," Watevra remarked.

"Well sure," Kitty agreed easily. "That shouldn't be a problem! It'd be kinda nice to say hi to Urag again! I wonder if he misses me."

"Urag?" Emmet asked.

"Grumpy old orc," Kitty giggled. "He manages the Arcanaeum- the College's library. He's actually pretty cool, and knows everything there is to know about every book in the library."

"We'll head out in the morning, then?" Lucy asked, getting her back on track.

"Yep! See you at supper!"

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