Chapter 18

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'So what's your impression?' was the first thing the Knight asked her when she saw him again. Watevra sighed.

"I think you've got your work cut out for you, trying to win him over to our side. He's very guarded."

'But you don't think it's impossible.'

"Not impossible, no." She smirked. "Just very, very difficult. I sense no conflict in him- he may be half human, but all he's known is the life of the Thalmor."

'What do you think we should do with him?'

Watevra thought for a while. "Don't keep him locked up in that room. He already holds so much resentment for us- that's exactly the sort of thing he expects from us, I think. To behave like the Thalmor do, and show him exactly the same sort of 'hospitality' they would show their 'guests'. But we're better than that."

'So let him get to know us, see why we fight?'

She beamed at him. "Exactly. I know it will be a while before anyone will warm up to him enough to make him feel welcome, but I imagine once we reach that point... it'll be more than he's ever experienced with the Thalmor. He's half human- he's got to have your desire to belong, somewhere in there. Buried deep where I can't feel it."

'Sounds reasonable enough. But I'm not letting him go anywhere without an escort, we can't have him poking around for sensitive information.'

"Obviously. As much as I want to show him kindness... I know we still have to protect ourselves."

'I'll see if Jenny's up for taking first watch.'

~* *~

He awoke to the sound of a key in the lock, and the door opening.

"Good morning!" chirped a cheerful Breton lady. He quirked an eyebrow at her sunny yellow robes. "Did you sleep well?" He continued to stare at her wordlessly. "You better get moving if you want breakfast, Alfred doesn't wait long."

That finally got a reaction from him. "What?"

"Breakfast only comes to you if you're sick or injured, otherwise you take yourself to breakfast. You're neither, so up and at 'em!"

"...Is your Black Knight aware you're letting me out of my prison?"

"Well of course he knows, he asked me to be your escort for the day."

That was surprising. "Not guard?"

"Not guard," she confirmed. "Now come ooon, I don't know about you, but I'm famished!"

"Too bad. I'm not hungry."

"Nuh uh, not allowed. Up!" He yelped, finding himself suddenly lifted off the bed by some unseen force. Of course she was a mage. She smirked, setting him down on his feet. "You're a stubborn one, aren't you? I would've jumped at the chance for freedom."

"How is it freedom when you won't allow me to leave?"

"At least you won't be cooped up in this room with nothing to do all day."

Well, he couldn't argue that point. He would go stir-crazy. He sighed. "Alright, lead the way." He followed her to the dining hall. All conversation cut off when they entered. There was a moment of awkward silence, then a hand shot up, waving to get their attention. His gaze followed it down to the face of a white-robed man that could be his escort's brother, they looked so alike.

"Come sit with us!" She smiled and made her way over, Sirius in tow. He kept his head held high as he walked, despite the hostile stares. The Imperial man at her brother's side was scowling at him. He frowned back.

"So I'm Jenny, this is my cousin Lenny, and his best friend Ken."

So he was wrong about them being siblings, but right about them being related, at least. He sat silently, listening to the three of them talk among themselves as they ate. Slowly, conversation around them picked up again as well. After a few minutes he decided to grab some food for himself, if only for something else to focus on. The food was a little heartier than he was used to, even for his kin having adapted to what foods Skyrim had to offer, but all in all, it wasn't bad. This Alfred obviously knew his way around a kitchen.

"Good, isn't it?" Jenny teased, watching him.

"...It passes." Ken rolled his eyes.

"Why am I surprised that you're the picky sort?"

"Ken, play nice."

"The Knight didn't tell me to 'play nice', he just said not to kill him."

"Oh would you quit pouting-"

"What are you guys arguing about this time?" Sirius glanced up as they were joined by another mage, this one in black robes. She looked to be Imperial, but there was something slightly off about her...

"Your ears," Sirius murmured in surprise. The newcomer eyed him.

"Your point?"

"You're half-"

"Like you, yes. Big whoop." She shook her head. "You Altmer and your 'purity of blood'... Anyway. I'm Penn."

"So I take it this is your base of operations. And these..." He gestured to the room at large. "Must all be your highest-ranking officers?"

"No," Penn answered, her tone curt and cold. "Take another look."

He did.

He saw people still recovering from serious injuries, people who were quite obviously not warriors, and- was that a teenager? He turned a startled look back to the mages.

"With the exception of the Knight and five others, this is all that's left of us," Jenny said quietly. "Master Builders, half-bloods... people who were outcast for other reasons... We don't know how many others like us are in hiding elsewhere in the world, but we here are the last of the rebel army."

And he recognized a good lot of them from Helgen. They really had almost ended the war that day. Part of him was pleased to note there were so few, and yet... He couldn't help but admit grudging admiration that they still carried on with the war with an army of only twenty. "You must really believe in this cause of yours to continue fighting with so few of you left. I take it this is why you're so desperate to get your hands on the Dragonborn again?"

"The Dragonborn would certainly be a boon to our side, but perhaps not in the way you're thinking. Don't presume to know us, Thalmor." Penn collected her breakfast and left. Sirius stared after her, dumbfounded and indignant, but just as he was winding up to fire a retort at her back, a hand on his arm distracted him. He turned to look at Lenny.

"Just keep your eyes and your ears open. You might be surprised by what you learn, here."

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