Chapter 66

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They spent the night in High Hrothgar, the dark making the trek back down to the village too dangerous, and set off for Solitude first thing in the morning. They ran into the Knight's group in Ivarstead. 'How did negotiations go?'

"Great! They've agreed to host the peace council!" Emmet enthused.

"On your way to convince the General next?" Sirius inquired.

"Yeah. Maybe you could come with us, Sirius? You know him better, you might have a better chance of actually getting him to agree-"

"No," the elf interrupted. "I don't think I will. I'm not ready for Ondolemar to know I'm still alive, just yet. He can find out at the peace council."

"Oh." Emmet wilted. "Okay, then."

'You won't need help convincing him anyway. You are Dragonborn; he cannot refuse your request. But if he does need further convincing, be sure to tell him I've already agreed. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let me show him up.'

Emmet grinned at him. "Alright. I'll keep that in mind." After they wished him luck, he continued on his way.

The trio traveled in silence for some time. Finally Emmet couldn't take it anymore, the need for conversation overwhelming. "It's gonna be so weird being back there, after everything that's happened."

"Hopefully they won't just arrest us on the spot," Lucy huffed.

"Luck's been with us so far," Iron-Tail reminded her. "Let's just hope it holds out a little longer."

They faced several dragons along the way, but much to their surprise, most of them flew away after exchanging a few blows, apparently curious of the mortals who'd sent Alduin running with his tail between his legs. "Word seems to be spreading fast," Lucy mused. "I'm not going to complain about that though- I'll deal with curious dragons over hostile ones any day."

Not a single guard stopped them as they finally reached the gates, nor as they made their way through the city. Emmet led the way to Castle Dour, hoping the General was there. He grinned to himself as he heard a familiar growl. At his side, Lucy tensed. He took her hand, squeezing gently. "I won't let them arrest you," he promised.

The conversation died as Emmet stepped into view, the General and his officers falling silent in surprise. "Dragonborn," the General greeted. He glanced at Emmet's companions. "I see you haven't tired of your rebel friends yet."

"Not yet," Emmet agreed, smiling back at him.

"We have an important matter to discuss with you," Lucy added.

"Is that so? Is it your unconditional surrender?"

As Lucy got ready to argue, Emmet put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. "The Greybeards are convening a peace council at High Hrothgar. They have requested your presence."

"Why? There's nothing to discuss as long as that Knight of yours is in arms against his rightful emperor."

"He's already agreed to attend."

The General stared at Emmet for several seconds, then let out a long, aggravated sigh. "Of course he has. Alright. We'll come. For all the good it will do..."

"Great!" Emmet cheered. "Then we'll see you at High Hrothgar!"

The  General and the Legate watched as the Dragonborn and his companions  left Castle Dour

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The General and the Legate watched as the Dragonborn and his companions left Castle Dour. Barbara gave him an expectant look. "Shall I round up the delegation?"

"Please," he sighed. "I'll be back shortly." He made his way to the Winking Skeever. As expected, he found Keelan sitting at a table, slowly working his way through lunch as he plotted his next adventure. "Is this seat taken?" Keelan grinned without looking up from his map, nudging the other chair out with his foot.

"You sound like you've got something important to- to tell me."

"I do, actually." Keelan finally glanced up at him. "The Greybeards are hosting a peace council at High Hrothgar, and I've been summoned. Don't give me that look."

"Either way, I'm glad you're going. This war needs to be b-brought to an end somehow, and if the Greybeards are finally using their influence and putting their foot down, then all the better. People will have no choice but to listen then."

"I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?"

The look his brother gave him was chilling. "You know I hate that you're working for the Thalmor."

"I don't work for the Thalmor-"

"Yes, yes. You work for the- the Emperor, who's in the Thalmor's pocket. Same thing, in the end. After what they d-did to me, did to Alastar..."

Cary sighed. "Alright. Alright. It's been on my mind lately anyway."

"Right now, you've got the power to make things right. Don't mess this up, Cary."

"Ever notice you stutter less when you're mad at me?" Keelan huffed and shoved him.

"Not m-mad at you, idiot. Worried." He got to his feet. "Guess I've g-got no reason to stay any longer if- if you're leaving." Cary stood as well, returning the embrace as Keelan hugged him. "Good luck."

"Take care, Keelan."

The wanderer grinned at him. "When do I not?"

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