Chapter 25

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Sirius slowly became aware of the world around him once more. He felt weak, and his head was throbbing. Had he suffered a blow during the fight? He couldn't remember if he had.

The room was warm, and dimly lit, and he wasn't alone. He heard quiet murmuring. He recognized Watevra's voice, but not that of the man she was speaking to. He forced his eyes open-

-and jolted when he was met with disturbingly familiar bright blue and yellow. He winced as the action caused fresh pains to shoot through his skull. "Good morning sleeping beauty~" the man sang down at him from where he was perched on the headboard, grinning broadly. "Forcing yourself to be something you're not takes a certain sort of madness, you know?"

"Come to claim my soul then, have you?" Sirius grumbled in response.

"Nah, I just dropped by to say hi to Evvie and everyone else. And to see what sort of mischief you've been getting up to. Though I suppose it's a good thing you've been so busy plotting to pull one over on my friends here, that you didn't realize you only managed to pull one over on yourself. Trying to maintain that elfish figure?"

Sirius scowled up at him. "I don't see how that's your business-"

"You made it my business," the Daedra cut him off, poking his nose. "Especially when you made Evvie all upset about you not taking proper care of yourself, just so you could maintain that illusion of the 'Aldmer Ideal'."


"I don't think you mortals realize how much it breaks my heart to have to claim those whose madness makes them hurt themselves. I don't want to have to claim you- I know you're smarter than this."

Sirius frowned thoughtfully up at him. What an unusual turn of phrase for a Daedra to use. Come to think of it, he looked awfully plain for a Daedra...

Awfully human.

"You are way too serious to possibly be the Mad God I've heard so much about."

Said Mad God grinned down at him again. "I have my moments. Now. If I hear of you starving yourself again, I will sit on you and force-feed you. And if you continue to insist on it, at least don't go picking fights on top of it."

"I wasn't-"

"You were," Watevra interrupted softly. "Jenny said she noticed you haven't been eating much. And I think it's like Benny said- you're trying too hard to fit in with a society that will never accept you."

"I'm the First Emissary!" Sirius protested. "You can't possibly think they'd give me such an important role if-"

"You didn't make yourself so useful?" Benny finished. Sirius' mouth snapped shut, and they could see the doubt creeping into his gaze.

"You know very well what the Aldmeri Dominion thinks about people like you," Watevra continued. "It's why we're all here, after all. What do you think is going to happen to you the moment they decide you're not useful anymore? That's why you try to hide your human half, isn't it?"

"...Why do you even care? I'm not one of your precious rebels."

"Cause that's what Evvie does, she cares about people, and does whatever she can to help. Just like BK."

"Bee-Kay? Who the heck is that?"

Watevra giggled. "The Black Knight. Benny likes to give people nicknames."

"Hence why she's Evvie." The door opened then, and Jenny scooted her way in with a tray of food. "Ooh, now it's a party!"

"Benny!" Jenny cheered, and set the tray on the night table. He hopped down from his perch to accept her hug. Sirius turned his attention back to Watevra as the two chatted excitedly.

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