Chapter 77

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"I think this is the point where we're finally going to need reinforcements," Balthazar spoke up once they found themselves outside again. "My family is... quite large. And as skilled as the three of you are, I don't think just the four of us will survive if we try to fight them all ourselves."

Alastar studied him for a long moment. "You realize that means we'll likely kill your whole family," he said softly.

"I know," the vampire responded. "But then... I don't think any of them have seen me as family for a very long time. Probably not since Mother locked me away." May reached over and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.

"Doesn't surprise me," Sirius snorted. "They already sacrificed you once."

"Not now," Balthazar begged. "Please."

Sirius hesitated, realizing what his new friend must have been going through since waking up almost a month before, and it wasn't all that unlike his own recent experience. He nodded once. "Alright."

They started on their way back toward Sky Haven Temple to recruit as many as could be spared. Mayhem told her story along the way- how her mother had always been free-spirited and left Summerset Isle as soon as she'd reached age of majority, before she could be married off to the suitor her parents had found, how she'd wandered all of Tamriel and eventually found herself in a cave that housed the entrance to the Chantry of Auriel and the snow elf that guarded it, how they became friends over time as her mother continued to visit.

"And they fell in love?" Balthazar asked, apparently enamored with the idea.

"Well, not quite," May laughed. "I'm sure there was love between them, likely still is, just not the romantic sort."

"And yet they had you," Sirius drawled.

"Mother did want a child- just one. And he was the only person she ever really felt comfortable being with like that, I suppose."

"Why did she never take you to meet him before?"

"Being a single parent doesn't really allow the freedom to go adventuring," May replied. "And I guess it just... slipped her mind to tell me where the Chantry was at, she was pretty eager to start her search for others as soon as I was old enough to look after myself."

"Has she had any luck?" Balthazar asked.

"I haven't heard from her... about since the time I joined the rebellion," May admitted. "I don't know if it's because her letters couldn't find me, or if it's because she's not even in Tamriel anymore, but last I heard from her, she hadn't."

"And you don't think she could have died?" Sirius asked.

"My mother? Certainly not, her ghost would have hunted me down by now if she had." Alastar chuckled softly.

They had made it perhaps half of the distance to the Temple when they spotted in the distance a large group of Legionnaires also making their way south. The four paused, watching the troop in confusion. "...He wouldn't have gone back on the truce, would he?" May asked in worry.

"No," Alastar murmured. "Not unless something happened." His eyes widened at the sight of a familiar greatsword and he rushed forward, shouting as he ran. "Cary!"

"Alastar?!" The former General paused, looking around at the sound of his brother's shout.

"I thought I recognized Severance," Alastar panted, slowing to a trot as he drew close. "Boy, am I glad to see you."

"And I you, though I must ask what you four are doing in the middle of nowhere."

"About the same thing you are, I'd imagine," the Knight said with a grin. It fell away quickly. "We need help."

"With what?" Cary demanded, lifting a brow at him.

"Storming a castle full of vampires to stop them from fulfilling a prophecy that would destroy the sun."

Cary stared at him for a long moment, then heaved an aggravated sigh, dragging his hands over his face. "Only you." At his side, Barbara snorted her amusement. "I can't speak for the others, of course, but I'm in."

"Barbara?" Alastar gave her a hopeful look.

She shook her head. "I can't send the soldiers on alone and risk them getting shot at by your people. Your officers will recognize me, though."

He nodded. "Fair enough. Anyone else interested?" A few soldiers volunteered. Alastar nodded. "Good enough. Let's get to Castle Volkihar."

"Are you sure?" Balthazar asked, frowning as he looked their group over.

"I'll be staying behind with them to handle the rest. You three just worry about Harkon," Alastar told him. Balthazar still didn't look convinced.

"You'd be surprised what he's capable of," Sirius said. "Ondolemar had most of the soldiers from the Embassy in Windhelm to try to catch the Knight and the rest of the rebels. There were maybe fifteen of them there and they still escaped. I arrived too late to actually see the battle, but I certainly saw the results of it."

"Well if you're certain..."

"We are," Cary sighed. "As long as you don't mind your home suffering some damage."

Balthazar looked startled. "...I suppose some collateral damage will be unavoidable anyway."

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