Chapter 81

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They took a couple hours to rest before beginning their trek back to Sky Haven Temple. It would be an almost three-day trek to reach it, and they couldn't afford to waste time dawdling, not if they wanted to get Cary's men treated before they turned. They made camp in the ruins of Pinefrost Tower for the night before moving on early the next morning.

It was slightly after noon when they heard the roar of a dragon. Many heads swiveled around trying to find it, but despite it being a bright, cloudless day, there was no sign of it anywhere. Cautiously they continued, more than a few drawing their bows in preparation. A few minutes later, they could hear the flapping of its wings. It was heading straight for them. May lifted her crossbow and fired a warning shot at the beast. It paid her no heed, swooping down to breathe fire over them. They scattered to avoid being burnt to a crisp. Alastar Shouted a frosty breath at it, slowing it down and forcing it to land.

"I will avenge my Lord Alduin!" it snarled at them. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Great, a fanatic..."

"Dovahkiin! I will tear you limb from limb!"

"'Dovahkiin'?" Cary echoed, giving his brother a curious look.

Alastar chuckled. "Wouldn't be the first time I've been mistaken for the Dragonborn."

The dragon didn't get the chance to follow through on his threat. Once the soldiers regrouped he was skewered by a dozen arrows and several ice spikes, and the General's greatsword lopped his head off with ease. "That was almost pathetically easy," Cary remarked as he wiped off the blood.

"Shame Emmet's not here to absorb the soul, we could probably use more bones for smithing-" Alastar cut himself off, eyes wide, as the dragon's corpse started to burn.

"There's another one?!" May gasped. The corpse burst into white-hot flames and she turned her attention to the former Legionnaires, eager to see who the new Dragonborn would be-

-only for Sirius' panicked shout and Balthazar's gasp of surprise to drag her attention away. Sirius was sitting on the ground looking like he'd tripped over himself in his haste to get away, one hand clutching his shirt as he took in shuddering breaths. May gave Balthazar a bewildered look. He stared back, wide-eyed, and pointed back to the elf.


"What was that?!" Sirius gasped, finally finding his voice again.

"You absorbed a dragon's soul," Alastar answered, considerably calmer than his companions. "Congratulations, Sirius, you're Dragonborn."


"So- hey, that dragon actually was sensing a Dragonborn?" one of the soldiers asked.

"Seems that way," Alastar agreed, amused. Sirius scowled at him.

"Of course you think it's funny."

"Not funny. Ironic." He stepped over and offered a hand, pulling Sirius back to his feet. "The Divines have quite the sense of humor."

"I don't really care to be the butt of anyone's joke, not even Theirs."

"I find it fascinating that another Dragonborn is revealed after Alduin's apparent demise," Cary mused.

"Oh, that's right," May remembered. "He did say he was here to avenge Alduin- that means Emmet and the others succeeded!" She brightened considerably. "And they're probably back already! Let's hurry!"

"Are you alright?" Alastar asked Sirius, noticing the elf still seemed to be shaking.

"In shock, I think," Sirius muttered. "Why me? And why after Alduin's death? Just to further drive home how useless I am?"

"You're not useless," Alastar soothed. "You were instrumental in taking down Harkon, after all. I don't think we would have succeeded without your help." Sirius huffed, refusing to look at him. "Just because defeating Alduin wasn't your destiny, doesn't mean you aren't still destined for other great things. Like taking down crazed vampire lords before they can destroy the sun."

"But the fact that Emmet exists means They must have changed Their minds about me at some point."

"I don't think so." Sirius gave him a questioning look. "I think it was always meant to be Emmet. Paarthurnax likely wouldn't have chosen to help anyone else. You weren't meant to be Alduin's Bane. I think the Divines made you Dragonborn with a different purpose in mind."

"Like what?"

"Alduin may be gone, but there will still be many who have his mindset- that because they are bigger and stronger than us, they are better than us, and thus have earned the right to enslave us, to view us as worth little more than the dirt we trod on. Emmet may change the minds of some, and I have no doubt Paarthurnax will be out teaching the Way of the Voice as well, but not all will choose to change their ways."

"So I'm to play executioner for those who refuse to repent. Glad to know I'm still only a tool."

"So am I," Alastar reminded him gently. "So is Emmet. But there's no reason why we can't find meaning in the work that was set before us, and take pride in it." He gave Sirius' shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Let's get home. We've got two victories to celebrate, after all."

Sirius watched as Alastar trotted to catch up with the rest of their group, reaching up to touch his shoulder, and chewed on his lip as he mulled over the Knight's words. Perhaps he was right- there would be dragons deserving of death, and they couldn't reasonably expect Emmet to partake in their slaughter. Someone would have to make sure they couldn't be resurrected again. Might as well be him.

He followed after the others, trying to ignore the strange fluttering in his chest.

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