Chapter 28

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As soon as he was certain he hadn't been seen, he hopped onto his horse and rode hard for Solitude. He had stopped in Windhelm for a while on his trek back to Riften, in no particular hurry to get back to his home city, and was glad he had. It had given him just the lucky break he'd been looking for.

He'd always had a hunch the rebels were based there, and now he had proof. For the Black Knight himself to appear out of nowhere, in such quick response to that dragon? The Thalmor would definitely want to have that information. And maybe this time they would actually pay him the full amount they'd promised.

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Sirius squinted as they were engulfed by darkness, the sparsely-placed torches not enough to see by after having spent some time in daylight. He growled his annoyance and cast a candlelight spell to better light the way. He followed the Knight in silence as they made their way back to the populated part of the base, wondering why there were tunnels so far out of the way. Another escape route that would take them directly out of the city, sure, but it looked like they had started to set it up to house more people, at one point. Likely at the height of the rebellion, when they still had a literal army. He almost wanted to ask, but decided against it. There was no telling the limit of the Knight's geniality.

He raised an eyebrow when muffled snickering floated toward them, and found himself rooted to the spot when he spotted Ken pressing Lenny to the wall, hands roaming the other man's body, lips pressed to his throat. They paused, looking over when they realized they had an audience. The Knight seemed completely unfazed, continuing down the hall without even sparing them a glance. Ken scowled at Sirius before pulling Lenny through a nearby door. Sirius jolted out of his stupor, and hurried to catch up to the Knight. "'Best friends', huh?" he asked, glaring at him.

'Special best friends,' the Knight joked. 'Problem?'

He vaguely recalled a comment Jenny had made, about people 'being outcast for other reasons'. Had she meant those two? Was that the 'other reasons' she'd been referring to?

The Knight paused, staring at him expectantly when he failed to answer, or keep up. 'It is, isn't it.'

"It's another one of those things I've always been taught must be a certain way," Sirius sighed. "Such... intimacy should only be for producing children, and only with the partner that has been chosen for you."

'And yet, here you are.'

"Yes," he murmured softly. "Here I am. I... suppose there's no harm in it, after all. They seem happy enough."

'How did you come to be with the Thalmor, anyway? Was that a decision you made?'

"I was told my mother died giving birth to me, but before she passed she insisted I be sent to live with my father rather than be placed in an orphanage. I guess as a final... 'fuck you', or- something." The Knight trembled, and Sirius realized he was laughing. "Father did eventually tell me a little bit about her, one night after having too much drink. Said she'd been his most difficult conquest ever." He fell silent for a moment. "Said I looked just like her. I used to dream that I'd had the chance to know her. Father's wife wanted nothing to do with me, so my childish imaginings were all I ever had for a mother figure."

'So your father was married, and still chased tail. With another species, even.'

Sirius shrugged. "I only ever saw them together a handful of times, before he died. It was a screaming match every time. From what I'd gathered, they couldn't stand each other all that much before me, either. As far as I know, I'm his only child. He certainly never had any with her."

'And that's why he kept you?'

"I can only assume. I guess he figured having a bastard half-blood was better than no children at all." He rolled his eyes. "Or I was a social experiment. I wouldn't put it past him." He tilted his head. "Why am I telling you all this?"

'You tell me.'

Sirius frowned at him, mulling that over. "Because it's easier to talk to someone that doesn't have a face, I suppose." That earned him a snort as the Knight tried to hold back his laughter.

'Didn't think you had a sense of humor,' he signed, and Sirius smirked at him.

"I suppose it's about time I returned the favor. Now I believe you promised me a glass of water? I'm parched."

'Demanding, aren't you?' the Knight teased, straightening up again as his silent giggles subsided. 'Is 'please' not in the Thalmor vocabulary?'

Sirius sniffed indignantly. "It's beneath us."

'Divines grant me patience. Come on, you brat.'

They hadn't made it much farther before they ran into Emmet, the young man panting harshly and soaked through with sweat. "Sirius!" he greeted, smiling widely, then just looked confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I got spirited away, as it were," he said, casting the Knight a sidelong glance. "Rather like you did."

"Oh." He frowned slightly at that. "But you're okay?"

"...I'm adjusting. Who put you through the ringer?"

"Lucy's been teaching me some self-defense stuff. It's hard."

Silently, Sirius approved. "I'm sure you'll get it." The Knight gave him a thumbs-up and a nod of agreement, and Emmet smiled.

"Thanks, guys. I'm trying my best. I, um. I think I'm going to go get cleaned up now."

"Yes, please. I can smell you from here." Sirius wrinkled his nose for emphasis. Emmet gave them a sheepish grin and continued on his way. Sirius glanced up at the Knight. "You actually convinced him to learn how to fight?"

'Not how to fight. How to escape if a fight should be inevitable. Though I think Lucy was more frightened by what happened in Solitude than he was.'

"That so?" he mused. "How cute."

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