Chapter 36

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"Lucy, what's an Elder Scroll?" was what Lucy was greeted with instead of the 'hello' she'd been expecting. She couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of her at that, even as several of the inn's other patrons turned in their direction at its mention.

"Not a thing to be discussed in public," she told him, still cheerful as she linked her arm through his and pulled him back outside. It wasn't until she'd pulled him to the edge of town that she spoke again. "Did you find the answers you were looking for? Did you learn the Shout?"

"Well, yes and no," he said. "I found out it's called Dragonrend, but the Greybeards couldn't teach it to me, they don't know it. So I need to find an Elder Scroll so I can learn it. Hey, did you know their leader is a dragon??" That earned him a stunned look.

"You're kidding, right?"

"His name's Paarthurnax! He's super nice." He turned to her, eyes almost pleading. "If one dragon can be nice, that must mean others can be too, right?"

"I..." She looked away, unable to bear that gaze for much longer. "I don't know. Maybe." She didn't miss the way he sagged at her hesitant answer. "But I'm sure if there's anyone that could get them to change their minds, it's you," she amended, and he perked up again. "So what's this about an Elder Scroll?"

"Right! The Greybeards don't know Dragonrend, and Paarthurnax can't know it, he said he couldn't even 'comprehend its concepts', but if I find the Elder Scroll that was used to throw Alduin forward in time, maybe I can go back in time to learn it from the ancient Tongues-"

"Wait- that's where he came from?! So the ancient heroes, they just- decided their descendants could deal with him instead?!"

"Well, the way Paarthurnax talked about it, it sounded like they didn't mean to... I guess they were trying to throw him outside of time, hoping he'd be lost forever."

"What a mess," Lucy sighed. "Well, for once you and I are both clueless. I've heard them mentioned once or twice- I know there's more than one, and that's about the extent of my knowledge. You didn't think to ask Paarthurnax, or the Greybeards?"

"No," Emmet pouted. "It didn't occur to me to until I got back down here."

"Right. Let's head back to the Temple. Vitruvius might know something about them, or at least be able to point us in the right direction."

'This place is incredible,' the Knight said once they'd finished a tour of the temple

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'This place is incredible,' the Knight said once they'd finished a tour of the temple. 'Bruce, excellent work on adjusting the accommodations, this will be perfect.'

There was a pop, quickly followed by a loud CRASH! as... something mechanical in nature was dropped onto the table in the wake of Benny's arrival. Shouts of surprise and annoyance went up all around. "Guys you won't believe this I finally found an airship it was just lying around on Solstheim I mean it's all in pieces but it's all there and I can fix it I mean can you imagine what we could even use this for-" He fell silent in the face of more than a dozen glares cast in his direction. "Um..."

"That's why you didn't warn us?!" Bruce snapped.

"Bruce," Watevra warned.

"Warn you?" Benny echoed, confused. He blinked and looked around, just realizing where they were at. "Hey, what is this place? Why are you all here?"

"Because you were off Divines know where looking for this piece of absolute junk while we were almost killed by the Legion and the Thalmor! They found us, you idiot! Because you thought your stupid obsession was more important than your promise!"

"...I..." Benny began to shake, slowly sinking down into a chair.

"Bruce!" Watevra snapped. "That's enough! Sirius told us he went to see Hermaeus Mora- try using that brain I know you've got and think about that for a bit." There were several gasps as she shed her human guise and flowed toward the distraught Daedra, wrapping herself around him like a blanket as he hiccupped.

"I'm sorry!" he wailed. "I knew what he was doing, but I- I couldn't-"

"Shh, honey, it's not your fault," she soothed as he sobbed, snuggling into her hold.

"Why did you go to see him, anyway?" Mayhem repeated when Benny missed the Knight's signing. Benny frowned and sniffled, rubbing at his eyes.

"Oh, right. I forgot... It's... Emmet. I went to see him because Emmet's got. Someone latched onto him. Like a parasite."

"Ye mean that Rex fellow?"

"Oh. You already know?"

"We've seen him, yeah," Kitty answered. "Emmet said something about trying to help him, that he needs dragon souls to break free from Mora's grasp, but what do you mean 'parasite'?"

"He's using Emmet as an anchor, probably so he can come here- for however brief a time- to get those dragon souls. But he's also... leeching off of Emmet's soul. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but the longer it goes on, the weaker Emmet's going to get. It might even eventually kill him, I'm not sure yet... I went to see Mora about separating them again, and. He distracted me." Kitty scooted closer, nuzzling him gently.

"I thought you said he was trying to collect Emmet," Penn mused. "If so, why risk killing him?"

"Trapping him the same way he did Rex?" Vitruvius guessed.

"Who knows," Benny snorted. "People say I'm mad, but that's one head I definitely never want to look into. Something he saw in the stars, I'm sure."

"And you can't scry that for yourself?" Bruce needled. Benny shrank in on himself.

"Hey, I'm still learning the ropes, okay? Jy- my predecessor may have granted me his power, but he didn't exactly give me the experience to go along with it. I'm entirely self-taught, here. And that's his sphere anyway, you know how possessive he gets..." Benny frowned. "You know, you still haven't told me where 'here' is."

'Welcome to Sky Haven Temple,' the Knight signed. 'Our new home.'

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