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When I got back home I had a nice long shower and enjoyed the nice even water pressure, at my old house the water pressure was shit, but I still miss it, my dad would always fix it then a week later it would break again. I started to tear up thinking about what my life used to be like. I changed what I was thinking about before I started to cry.

Somehow I started thinking about Marcus, he was a very attractive guy with his bright green eyes and brown wavy hair. Their whole family was very good looking but there was something about Marcus.

No I don't think of him like that, he is weird and disrespectful and annoying. Also he is such a whore, I wouldn't be shocked if he's slept with half the school.

Finally I got out of the shower and threw a towel around me.

When I stepped out of the bathroom into my bedroom I saw Marcus in the doorway, just wearing gray sweatpants that showed a bit of his Calvin Klein boxers. But my eyes were almost instantly drawn to his shirtless body and his muscular figure.

It took me a second to realize I'm in a towel and he is staring at me "Get out!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him as my towel slipped out of my grasp for a second. I look up and see him smirking at me " and what if I don't want to" he said, inching closer to me.

He was so close while my back was pressed up against the wall, and he had one arm on the wall that he was leaning against it "I mean it get out" I whispered harshly.

Then he whispered in my ear " you sure that's what you really want" I felt tingles run down my spine. I took a deep breath "yes" I said clearly making sure there was no other way to take that answer.

He looked at him somewhat disappointed and confused.

After a second he said "As you wish"
While he walked out of the room.

What the hell just happened..

After I got dressed I walked downstairs and I still couldn't get my head around what just happened

Then I see Lucy and Jeff sitting in the kitchen having what seemed to be a fight.
"Hey" I said to make it clear that I was there
"Oh hey hon, how was your day at school" Jeff asked

"Oh it was fine I didn't really get a chance to meet anyone though" I admitted, I wanted to make friends I really did but everyone already had their group and I didn't know where I fit in.

"Well that will change soon, and plus the dance is tomorrow. That's a great way to meet new people" Lucy reminded me.

"Yeah" I scratched the back of my neck "I wasn't really thinking of going to that" I told them, the smile on Lucy's face instantly dropped. "I just don't know anyone and I feel like it would be weird"

"Nonsense, you know Marcus and his friends. I'm sure you could hang out with them" did she really think that was a good idea, does she know anything about her son.

" oh come on it will be so much fun I promise, and me and you can go shopping for dresses and accessories"
She had the biggest smile on her face I couldn't say no to, and it might be nice to hang out with her some more.

" ok I'll go" I regretted it as soon as I said it, but Lucy looked so happy.

I picked out a dress from the little shop a few streets down from the house. It was a little showy for Lucy's liking but after some convincing I got her to agree to buy it for me.

Oh don't we love having dead parents...
Everyone does anything for you.

(Sorry I know this one is short)

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