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8 Safe?

~Evy ~

I tried to sleep but Lola took up a good amount of space. I don't know how someone so small could take up the whole bed. The more I tried to shove her over the more possessive of the bed she became.

Eventually, I gave up and accepted the little sliver I had was all I was going to get. Right as I closed my eyes I heard someone tumbling down the hall. I got up and ran over to my door slowly opening it with a hairbrush in my hand ready to attack anyone.

I was somewhat shocked to see a bloody Marcus leaning on the hallway walls holding the left side of his stomach.

What the hell happened to him, I knew he sometimes got into fights at school but what was he doing out at 2am.

" Marcus what happened? '' I whisper as I run over to him. "Nothing, I'm fine" he lied, "your not fine you're bleeding" I move his hand to see a massive cut "oh my god Marcus, you need to go to the hospital"

"No!" He yelled moving my hand off him "I just need to go to bed" I swear he must be delusional from the blood "I know people say sleeping gets rid of all your problems but if you go to bed you will bleed out and die" I say still whispering, hoping not to wake up Lola.

"What about your parents or Isaac?" I asked, hoping he would let them help. "Their out of town"

"Is there anyone that can help" I ask, he shakes his head " no everyone's gone and it's the staffs day off"

"Ok come with me" I sighed and grabbed his hand, dragging him quietly through my room to my bathroom.

"You know, if you want to apologize, there are easier ways," I joke. He smiled weakly.

"you really don't need to help me" he tried to swat my hand away. I didn't believe him. I held up three fingers "how many fingers am I holding up" "four" he answered wrongly I grabbed a first aid kit from under the sink "you will just cause yourself more harm if you try"

I wanted to clean his face first but I knew my first priority had to be his cut. "Have you ever given stitches?" He asked "my one friend got in a lot of fights and I had to help him"

I pressed a cloth to the cut, Marcus tensed up and clenched his perfect jaw.
His eyes widened as I pulled out the needle. "Don't kill me I know I fucked up but I'm to young to die" he joked. Part of me wanted to accidentally slip and cut him with the needle but he already went through enough.

"This will hurt" I warned him right before I started to stitch up the wound. He let out a small yell and I instantly put my hand over his month knowing what Lola would think if she heard that.

"Lola is sleeping" I mumble. " and she is a super light sleeping" "well I'm sorry if I feel a needle going into me"

Marcus hissed in pain the whole time until I was done. Making my job a little bit more enjoyable.

"pussy" I joked as I started to clean up the smaller cuts on his face. I gently glided my hand across his torsos where I stitched him up. " this should be pretty good" "thanks" he crumbled " and I really am sorry"

"What even happened? '' I asked " I don't know, I just got jealous, I guess" he answered, but that wasn't what I was talking about. " I mean with the cuts"

" I-I can't tell you Evy, it for your own good"

For my own good. What the fuck did that mean.

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