The game 

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Everyone at school was so hungover after the party. I swear even my math teacher basically just told us to talk to each other. Luckily Lola was in that class.

"Hey girl" I said "hey we are still on to watch Meg 2 on Saturday" she asked " yeah of course, I was also thinking we could go to the football game tonight. I don't know if you have plans but" I stopped myself before I could ramble on more "Yeah we should, plus I heard the players on the other team are hot" she giggled.

"Ooo maybe we can get you a boyfriend" I laughed as I bumped my shoulder on hers.

Me and Lola meet up at the end of school to go to Starbucks before the big game.

As we were sitting we saw 6 guys from the other school walk past Starbucks "god damn they're hot" Lola whispered
"Yeah and I think that blonde one was eyeing you up" I said, Lola did a small wave and the blonde instantly turned his head away.

I look at my phone and it's 30 minutes away from the game. "Hey we should probably get going if we want to get good seats" I tell her.

We both get up to leave. As we are walking back to the school Lola bumps into one of the guys we saw earlier.

" Oh sorry" she said, I took a few steps back to let them talk.

I was looking at my phone for 10 minutes before Lola and the guy stopped talking.

"So what's his name, his cute" I said
"His name is Jack and yea his alright" she tried to play it cool but the smile on her face sold her out.

"You like him" I teased her about it the rest of the walk. "So what team will you be cheering for your school or your baes" I asked.

" He is not my bae, I just talked to him" she paused. "I'll be cheering for him.." she admitted.

There was a quick break in the game and Lola left me to go talk to Jack. Now even though I forced her to go, if anyone asks why I'm alone I'm saying she ditched me.

I was getting some popcorn when I heard a deep voice behind me. I turned around thinking it was Marcus. But instead it was a boy from the other school.

"Hey" he said "hi" "what's your name" he asked looking me up and down "Evy, you" he was hot, he had black curly hair and was probably around Marcus height or even a little taller.

"I'm Will, captain of the WestBulls football team" he said proudly

"Really, so your the captain of the team that losing this game" his smile dropped

"Not for long, trust me WestBulls will win" he winked then jogged off back to his team

I know he was trying to be cute or something but honestly what school name is WestBulls. Fucking werdios.

I went back to my seat to see Jack taking up my spot. What a bitch. I walked up all thoses 10 stairs to not be able to sit down.

I sighed before walking back down hoping to find an empty seat.  And of course the only empty seat was the one right behind the WestBulls bench.

I decided to sit down instead of looking stupid just standing there.

"Hey look who decided to come watch me play" Will joked, he looked even better when he was wearing his football gear.

"Nah ,I just want to be the first person who sees you fall on your face"  his team mates laughed at my joke.

"Keep telling yourself that sweetheart" he winked


The game was over and just like Will said the WestBulls made a comeback and won by ten points.

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