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"Lola! Did you use my hair straightener because I can't find mine!" I yelled down the hallway "yeah sorry I'll bring it over in a minute" she yelled back, and sleepy Marcus walks out of his room "what the hell are you guys yelling about it's 6am"
Marcus mumbles "oh well I'm sorry that I woke you up 15 minutes before your alarm" I yelled.

"Jesus what's up with you" he rolled his eyes "well first I can't straighten my hair and second I have blood pouring out of me!" I screamed and slammed my door shut.

I screamed into my pillow "Fuck!" I yell.

I usually don't get cramps but today it was like there was a devil trying to make me hate my life even more than I already do.

I heard a light knock on the door. I didn't respond for a bit until there was another round of knocking "come in" I finally mumbled. Marcus opens my door and throws me a water bottle and a jar of Advil. " hope you feel better V" he says as he lightly closes the door.

I feel a small smile on my face start to appear. Marcus was a dick a most of the time, but other times he was so sweet and caring, it made me think he really did care about me.

Lola finally gave me my straightener back and helped me with my hair which did not want to cooperate. We spent 1 hour just trying to get it to work. God really does hate me.

I went to school and it was probably the worst school day ever, I almost fell asleep twice in my art class. The rest of the time I just thought about last week, me and Marcus at the bonfire was it just a hookup or is there something else.

During lunch me and Lola decided to ditch the last two periods. We went to get ice cream bars from the corner store, we got them for free because the guy who works there is a creep and loves girls in skirts.

School was pretty boring so I didn't feel bad about skipping, plus all my teachers are assholes who's one goal in life is to make all their students as miserable as they are.

"So have you heard anything about Will?" I ask Lola as I lick my mint chip ice cream "no Jack says he hasn't been to school in a few days, it seems like Marcus gave him a good beating" "Yeah it was a little scary seeing him like that" I admit.

"I can't believe you almost hooked up with Marcus though, I mean I remember in 9th grade I walked in on him and Samantha fucking in a stall" I roll my eyes and laugh " it's not funny I'm traumatized, I still see it in my dreams"

"Ew you pervert" I joked and punched her shoulder. "So how was he?" She asked with curiosity "not going to lie... really good and he is so fit, but enough about me, how's your dad doing?"

"Well I told him about Jake and I think I'm going to move back in with him soon" she smiled sweetly "ugh you mean I'm losing my roommate" " you have Marcus to keep you company"

"Shut up and eat your ice cream"

After ice cream I went home and Lola went to Jake's house.

I sneak in quietly because I'm still supposed to be at school. Lucy and Jeff don't really care but they've caught me too many times. I'm grabbing some ramen from the pantry and I hear someone yelling on the phone.

Slowly I walked to the hallway where the noise was coming from. The yelling got even louder, I could tell it was Lucy and Jeff yelling at someone but I couldn't figure out what they were so mad about.

I slightly leaned against the door, letting my curiosity get the best of me. I make sure they can't hear me.

Yea yea it's rude to East drop but who can blame me, I've lived in this house for months and I still feel like I know nothing about their family or what they do for a living. My mom told me Lucy was always the brightest in her class and she was destined to do great things, but after she moved away my mom stopped talking about her as much.

"Go to hell!" I hear Lucy yell before hanging up the phone. "This is bad Lucy, first the Jackson's now the Scott's, people are starting to worry" Jeff mumbles "the Archer's death has made many people worry about the safety of their family" I didn't understand what they meant. Why would my parents' death affect their business?

"They all knew what they were getting into, backing out will only make it worse for them and they know it" Lucy says with confidence. "we can't run and hide because a few donors threaten to pull out of there deal"

My phone starts to buzz. It was Lola calling me. Shit. "What the hell is that?" Jeff says, running over to the door. I quickly run upstairs and lock my door. If they ask, I am fast asleep.

I quickly call Lola back and tell her I can't talk now.

A million different thoughts run through my head, what were they talking about? Why would my parents have anything to do with them losing business? There were so many things I couldn't explain. Is the James family really what I thought they were?

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