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I was sitting scrolling through my phone as my parents yelled at the phone, it was the Scott's calling about how they feel like their money is being spent on idiotic things. My parents never liked the Scott family but they paid good money and in their world that's all that matters.

I don't even know why they insist on me being at all these phone call meetings. It's not like they listen to me, I could say the best idea and they would act like I'm an idiot but if Issac says it he's the smartest person in the world. Issac doesn't try to be their favorite, it just comes easier to him.

Everything was going fine until a loud cell phone ring went off. I instantly knew it was Evys, the amount of calls she gets in class is shocking. My dad runs to the door to make sure no one is listening in. "What the hell is that" he yells "sorry dad it was just my phone" I lied covering up for Evy. "It's just Noah calling about a party" my dad believed it but my mother called me out on my bullshit.

"You're lying to your parents" she yelled pointing a finger at me "no mom I promise it really was just Noah" I tried to keep up the charades "don't you dare lie to me boy" she snatched the phone out of my hand. "Why are you covering for Evy?" She asked, knowing exactly who's phone went off.

"She was probably just walking by" I hoped she wasn't listening in but knowing her she definitely was. "Have you told her anything?" She questioned "no I won't put her in danger like that" "she can't know anything!" Jeff yelled "Well maybe if you stopped we wouldn't have to lie!" I yelled back, causing my mother to slap my face. "This business is the reason we have everything you own"

I run out the room, my feet stomping on the hardwood floor. I needed time to think and relieve my anger. I hope on my motorcycle, I didn't care about the heavy rain and storm. All I knew was I needed to get away for a bit.

I start to ride anyway when the rain becomes even heavier, I try to turn back. But I lose my grip for a second causing me to crash the bike. Then everything goes black and all I can hear is a ringing in my ear.


As I'm laying on my bed trying to figure out what just happened. I hear the front door slam shut. I race over to my window that looks out across the front of the house and see an angry looking Marcus.

He hopped on his motorcycle and didn't even put on a helmet or any protection. What the fuck was he doing?

I run to the front door trying to stop him but he was gone before I could. I run after him hoping he'll come to his senses and turn back before he gets hurt.

Before I know it I hear a loud screech and then smash, instantly I run down the street to where the noise came from. "Marcus!" I must have run the fastest I've ever run before. I couldn't think of anything except him, my mind was a blur.

The heavy rain made it hard to see and my hair was stuck to my forehead. I yell his name again when I see his bloody body and broken bike, "Marcus answer me please" I cry as I lean over him "Marcus"

His eyes flutter open "Evy" he mumbled barely loud enough for me to hear. I sighed with relief and my chest felt lighter. "I'm going to get some help" I say standing up, "stay" he said with the last of his energy "please" I sat back down and held his hand.

I called 911 trying to stay positive and not cry but it was no use. I took off my soaking wet sweater and busted it as an umbrella to shield his face from the rain. I call Lucy, Jeff and Issac but it goes straight to vocie Mail for all of them.

After 10 minutes without any sign of the ambulance I started to panic, Marcus's breathing was getting worse and the rain made it impossible to stay warm.

I was about to run back to the house and get someone when I saw the ambulance. I waved my hands like crazy so they could see just better.

I hopped in the ambulance with him. "Miss what is your name?" one woman asked me "Evy Archer and this is Marcus James, I already tried his parents but no response" I told them.

They asked me question but I couldn't think, all I could do was look at Marcus's limp body. What on earth would make him go into that storm? And why wasn't he in school?


I wake up in a chair in Marcus's hospital room, I look around and see his whole family there and a whole lot of flowers. Plus a bunch of girls looking though the window. Probably a bunch of the girls he slept with.

"Is he ok?" I ask, before they answer Lucy smothers me in a hug, "you saved him, thank you Evy, I don't want to ever imagine what would've happened if-" she couldn't finish without breaking into tears. "I just want to know what possessed him to go out in that storm" Issac stated, shooting a look at his parents. " He's a dumb teen boy, it's no one's fault," Jeff replied, "I couldn't help but think there was something behind their statements.

"When will he wake up?" I wonder, "Hopefully soon, the doctors finished his surgery a few hours ago and right now he's on some pretty heavy drugs" Issac informed me.

I went back home to change out of my soaked clothes then grabbed a few extra things before I got Arnold to drive me back.

When I got back Marcus's family was gone and Noah was sitting in the chair.  "Oh hi Evy" he says with a sad tone "hey Noah" Noah was definitely my least favorite out of Marcus's friends.

"You know Evy, I'm really sorry about everything I've said to you, but Marcus has been really happy recently and I think that's beacuse of you. So thanks" he apologized. "Why did you say all thoughs things about me, I mean you actually hated me for no reason" I complain.

"I didn't mean to but Marcus was being a dick to you and I kinda just do what he does" he admitted. "That's dumb" "yeah I know but I was bullied a lot in first year and Marcus helped me so I owe him"

"I still don't like you" I joked. 

Me and Noah talked for a good hour about random things and we actually have a lot in common. Then Marcus woke up and was shocked to see us getting along. "I thought you guys hated each other"

" yeah only beacuse of you dipshit" I told him "that's not true" Marcus tried to argue but I cut him off before he could say anything else "your the only fucking reason he didn't like me making me not like him therefore you are the reason"

"Huh" Marcus said " it made sence to me" I tell me "yeah me too, Marcus are you slow or something" I laughed at Noah's joke.

— — —

Marcus was allowed to wear his own clothes after a few days of him complaining about how uncomfortable the hospital gown was. His parents were staying with him throughout the nights and me and Isaac stayed with him for the day.

Robbie, Noah and Lola came in a lot. Marcus still didn't like Robbie, he pretended to be asleep every time he came over. I don't know why though he was so sweet.

While I was scrolling through TikTok I heard Jeff and Lucy arguing about something in the corner. They had a lot of these conversations, I always tried to figure out what they were talking about but I could never figure it out. After about ten minutes they walked back into the room, Lucy smiled sweetly.

"Evy honey, me, Jeff and Issac have to leave tonight for a business meeting tomorrow, sadly there's no getting out of it" she tells me "could you stay here tonight with Marcus?" She asked "of course, I don't have anything planned tonight and I understand you are busy"

Me and Marcus haven't really had any alone time since his accident. They left around 4:30 and I ordered mcDonalds for me and him. Using his money of course.

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