The James Family

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I walked down stairs to the kitchen to see Issac and Marcus sitting on the island. "Morning" I said trying to keep my eyes open going straight to the coffee pot "morning sunshine" Marcus said knowing I heard him all night, I put up the middle finger at him "wow good first impression" Issac said laughing

"I've met you guys before and you should really be talking to your brother about that" I mumbled, I know I should have been nicer but with my disturbed sleep and the fact I'm not a morning person I really didn't have the energy to give a shit.

"Well I'm sorry I was having a good time with my friend" Marcus exaggerated the way he said friend, but that didn't go through my thick skull

"Friends, what the hell do you mean you were totally-" I cut my self off when I saw him waving around his arm telling me to stop.

"never mind I'm just pissed you disrupted my beauty sleep" I joked

"Well I need to get to work, I'll see you guys at dinner and it was so nice to see you again Evy" Issac said before he got up and left

" God damn I can't believe you almost sold me out" Marcus yelled after Issac was gone " How was I supposed to know not to say anything?"

"Maybe because I sneaked her in at 3AM!" I thought to myself for a second

" You really shouldn't treat girls like that, using them I mean. It's gross"

"Trust me it's what we both want, and you don't know me so don't go around telling me how to act"

he was right I didn't know him but I know full well he doesn't get to speak to me like that. But before I could say anything back he got up and walked away.

A few hours later Lucy came up to me as I was reading " hi hon" she said with her sweet soft voice " hey" I responded "now I know you just moved here and you are still settling in but you do need to go to school sometime soon" I took a deep breath, I was always ok at school but I never really enjoyed it, maybe because all the girls were bitchs who lost their v card at 12 or were waiting for marriage.

"Yeah maybe I could just have another week before I go" I asked " oh yes for sure, just so you know you will be going to the same school as Marcus so he can help you out"

Oh great... I get to see him at home and school, just like a dream

"Now I know it's hard but do you need to talk to me about anything?" Lucy asked, I knew she was talking about my parents but I couldn't bring myself to think about them.

It's just still so new.

"No I'm fine just excited to go a new school" I only sorta lied


The next week passed really fast, I had the whole house to myself plus the staff which I got to know very well.

But with Lucy, Jeff and Issac at work all day I didn't really get much time with them, plus there were many family meetings and whenever I walked by they would close the doors, Lucy said it was just things the boys need to work on but something just felt off.

And with Marcus at school I never see him either. Not like I want to be with Marcus all the time, I think I've heard 3 or his late night adventures and each time I swear it's a different girl.

Whenever I bring it up to him he either leaves or changes the subject. It's like he knows I know he's a man whore but he doesn't want me to know even though he does nothing to hide it.


It's the day I start at Dodgerill highschool and I might actually crap my pants.

I got a ride from Ronald mean while Marcus took his motorcycle, as we pulled up I thought about running away, I have never seen this many kids in one place.

"You have a good day miss and don't be afraid to call me if you want to leave early" he told me then gave me his sweetest smile as he drove away.

Fuck. I have math first, followed by art, then business and finally English, oh lucky me I have the one and only Marcus James in my business class.

During math I told the teacher I need to go to the bathroom and it being a guy I could take as long as I wanted.

As I walked around the hall I felt a pair of hands on my waist " what the hell" I turn around and slapped the guy behind me, just to see Marcus and 5 or 6 guys behind him laughing at what I'm guessing to be one of his friends who I just slapped

"What the fuck Marcus" I yelled "ooo she's feisty" on of the guys says "and hot" another adds in.

I roll my eyes at them and start walking away deciding to be the bigger person until I hear one of the guys say " hey Marcus you hit that yet"

Oh he did not just fucking say that, I turn around and go punch the boy who said that making him fall on his ass.

"Oh come on Evy it was a joke and do you really think my mom will be happy when she finds out you punched someone on your first day" Marcus threatens me when it clicked in his head he might be next.

" yeah well how do you think she'll feel when I tell her about your late night activities" two can play at this game and he better believe I can do it better.

"Fine we both stay quiet deal" he held out his hand "deal" I said as I shaked his hand

Later that day I found out that Marcus runs the school and even the teachers listen to him. I think there just pussies, that's just my opinion.

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