Oh Lola

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~ Evy~

I was watching Shameless in the living room during a thunderstorm. Ian and Mickey are sharing a jail cell and it's not as romantic as I thought it would be.

I was supposed to do business homework but I really didn't want to and it was just so easy to pull the 'my parents just died and it's been really hard on me" card

Right as I was watching Mickey take it up the ass I heard pounding on the door front door. I basically lunged at the TV remote to change the channel to something more kid friendly.

I don't get the door assuming it's some kid playing ding dong ditch, but the pounding on the door continued.

Who the hell is here late at night? I open the door and see a soaked Lola crying.
I pull her into a hug "what happened baby" I ask her. "M-my dad, he-he's drinking again" she cried, barely getting her words out. "It's bad this time V"

I let her inside. Then I made her and myself some ramen noodles, making sure to only add half the spice packet to my bowl because my white ass can't handle spice.

I grabbed her a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from my room and showed her where the bathroom was so she could have a shower and get changed.

Luckily Lucy was still up watching Modern Family. I explained to her everything that happened. Lucy grew up in a similar situation so she understood and wanted to do whatever she could.

She helped me set up a guest bedroom for Lola to stay in for however long she needed, then gave Lola a run down of the rules and told her all the staff's names.

She must have walked 4 miles in the storm to get here. "why didn't you just call me" I asked confused " my dad broke my phone after I tried to take the bottle out of his hand and he took my wallet"

I sat on her bed "you want to talk about it" I asked " I don't know, I just thought he was getting better. He had a good job and he was going to come to my swim competition"

"I'll go to all your swimming competitions and you can stay here as long as you need" I told her. "Thanks V, I just didn't know where else to go"

We both went to bed and Lucy signed us out of school for the next day explaining what happened with Lola. Our teachers emailed us and told us we didn't need to do any work for the rest of the week.

Aren't we a lovely duo, my dead parents and her drunk ones.

The next day me and Lola binged watched all the harry potter movies. And there was so much junk food we felt sick.

She also told me all about her childhood. The thing that really stood out to me was how when she was only 6 both her parents left her for 2 week and she had to fend for herself. The first time I even had a sleepover was when I was 8.

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It was late at night when Marcus knocked on my bedroom door. Me and Lola were both there finishing the last Harry Potter movie.

"Hey we're going to a bonfire, wanna come? '' he asked. I looked at Lola and she shook her head. "I'm not feeling it tonight but Evy you should go '' she whispered. "I don't want to leave you alone" I did want to go but Lola came first.

"I'm not alone I got Harry and Ron with me, please go I'll feel bad if you don't" she promised. I tried to get back on the bed but she kept kicking me off.

"Nope I'm not leaving you" "come on V, I know you don't want to stay here watching Harry Potter, and I always ditch you for Jack" "yeah but that's your boyfriend"

I finally gave in and agreed to leave her alone after she basically forced me to. I got off the floor and stood beside Marcus. "Oh and Lola thanks" he said with a wink as we walked away.

Because Lucy and Jeff were watching Modern family in the living room, me and Marcus went into the downstairs bathroom and climbed out the window.
After he got outside and grabbed me by my waist and gently placed me on the ground.

I got on his motorcycle easier this time, still finding the corners terrifying. At least I knew I wasn't going to die this time. Well I had more hope I wasn't going to die.

The bonfire was in the middle of a field and there was a shit ton of beer that people's older cousins got for us. Instead of Marcus leaving me he stayed right beside me. I looked around and didn't see anyone from the school. "Who's party is this?" I ask because I didn't recognize any of the people there.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him "don't leave my side" he demanded.

"Marcus where are we?" "A WestBull party" he replied, I instantly froze up at the name thinking back to the one person I knew from there. Will the fucking creep. I held onto Marcus tighter not wanting him to leave for a second.

"Why are we here Marcus, none of your friends are here" I finally asked him. "Well I have some unfinished business with your friend Will" he says as he scans the field for him.

"Marcus no, let's just go to Mc Donald's or something" I tried pulling his arm back to the motorcycle. As I was pulling him I didn't see where I was going and I bumped into someone.

I look up and see one of friends. "Well, well look who it is, the slut and her boyfriend" someone said, as he got closer the weak lighting revealed his face. "Speak to me like that again and I'll fuck you up" I said rolling my eyes.

Before I could even see Wills whole body Marcus punches him square in the face causing him to fall in the ground. With out even giving him a second Marcus getting on top of him and starts pounding his face and body with his fist.

Blood goes everywhere and I want to look away but something draws me in. " Marcus just leave it alone!" I yelled but he doesn't stop.

No one tried to get Marcus off or help Will, they just made a circle and yelled fight or beat his ass. Eventually Will got a good punch in and Marcus went flying.

Will starts to kick Marcus in the torsos right where Marcus scar is. "Cops!" someone yells and everyone including Will runs away. Luckily Will only got a few good kicks in before that causing minimum damage to Marcus.

I grab Marcus's hand helping him of the ground, with my hand still interlocked with his I run to the forest area then hide behind a big tree.

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