Business meeting 

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~ Marcus~

I grabbed some ice from the freezer and put it on my face. Who knew Evy could throw a punch.

I did feel bad about telling everyone, and I know she might never talk to me again but I got jealous when I saw her with that other guy. I've never been jealous of a girl.

I heard a knock on the door and figured it was one of my friends coming over.

As I open the door I see Lola standing with an angry face once saw me.

Before I know it I'm getting kicked in the balls and I fall to the floor.

"I can't fucking believe you had to do that" she shouted "don't you know what a bad week she's had"

I had no clue what Lola was talking about. "What do you mean" I asked as I picked myself off of the floor. "Will, fucking dick should be in the ground" she mumbled the last part but I could still hear her.

"I don't know what your talking about" now I was really confused and part of me was worried.

"He forced her to kiss him, she still has the bruises on her arms" Crap. Not only did I tell everyone her biggest secret but I also added on to her shitty week.

"Thank you goodbye" I said, slamming the door in Lola's face. I knew it was rude but I needed to talk to Evy.

I knocked on her door but she didn't answer. " Evy please open this door" I begged "go away" I heard her mumble from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry ok"

"I know just saying sorry after betraying someone might work on other sluts but I can see through your fake ass apology" even though I couldn't see her I could tell she was crying.

Before I could say anything else Lola pushed me out of the way. "You heard her leave," she spat. I did as she told me and walked away, I looked back when I heard the door open. Evy instantly hugged Lola when she saw her. She was wearing an oversized white shirt and light pink shorts that basically showed her whole ass.

"Hey Marcus mom and dad need to talk to us" Issac said from the end of the hall.

I walked down to where my parents were and I sat on the weirdly uncomfortable couch. "What's up"

"We are leaving town for a little bit, someone backed out of a business deal and we need to— deal with it" My father smirked. I fucking hate them.

"And how does that concern me?"

"Well when we're gone we want you to talk to Evy, make sure she isn't expecting anything" my mother said with a sweet smile trying to trick me into thinking she actually cares about Evy.

" no! I'm not going to spy on her, I do enough shit for you I won't do that too"

" fine, we understand. Instead the Marshals haven't done this month's payment, I want you to remind them"


I heard the kids scream as I walked away from the house. They were waking up at 2am to their fathers yells for help, to see him bloody and unconscious on the kitchen floor.

This wasn't my first time doing this, I used to be fine with it until I saw Evy and how much she hurts whenever she thinks about her parents.

Mr. Marshall put up a fight leaving me with many bruises and a stab wound in my left abdomen, lucky it wasn't very deep but I would need to give myself stitches because I've been to the hospital many times and my parents didn't care. I've gotten pretty good at it now but it did hurt like a motherfucker.

I don't agree with what my parents did but he knew what he was getting into when he took money from them.

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