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After a few more days Marcus was released from the hospital. He was still dealing with his injuries but insisted he was fine.

I was fast asleep when I felt a hand over my mouth, I didn't panic knowing it's just Marcus, I couldn't see his face because of how dark it was though, after 5 seconds I got bored of this game and tried to his hand but he just pushed down harder on my mouth.

"come on pick her up" I heard a man whisper, then the other man started to pick me up into his arms. Fuck this isn't Marcus. I started kicking and punching. I hit the one in the nose and he lost his grip on me long enough for me to scream for help and start to run away.

I can barely hear my thoughts over my breathing, my vision goes blurry as my eyes fill with tears. As I'm running away a strong hand grabs my arm, their nails dig into my skin and drag me out of the house and throw me into the back of a car. "Where are you taking me" I yell trying to stay strong and hold back my tears "your family really screwed you over" a man with a raspy voice said through his laugh. It's the kind of laugh that makes your blood run cold. "What do you mean by that" I demand he tell me "put something over he mouth she's talking to much" he orders one of the other men.

Before I could get out another word a cloth covers my mouth and my hands get tied behind my back with a rough piece of rope that gives my skin rash. I try to fight the man holding me down but the cloth must of been drugged because with in seconds I'm out.

My eyes slowly open, I hope I'm waking up from a terrible nightmare and everything will be fine. I had no such luck. I look around the room I'm in. There's not much to look at, the walls are a plain white along with the concrete floor and there is not a piece of furniture in sight, other then the chair I'm tied to.

I yell from help. "There no use, theres nothing for miles" the same raspy voice as before says. "What do you want from me" I scream at him "Your family should of stayed quiet" he laughed. But he didn't explain why they had me.

"You didn't answer my question. What do you want with me?" I say fighting to get out of the chair. The man walks into the light, now I can see his face, something I wish I didn't. He was not a pretty sight. He walks up to the chair and leans over the chair looking me dead in the eyes "what do you know" I yelled at me "Nothing, I don't know anything" I yelled back at him. He shoved a cloth into my mouth.

— — —

I wake up with the biggest head ache, looking around to see I'm in the same room as before, but there's someone new. Robbie. "Robbie what are you doing? help me" I scream at him, I feel tears pooling in my eyes.

After a minute I finally realized Robbie wasn't going to help me. But I held them in forcing myself not to cry knowing it would only make it worse for me.

I knew he wasn't one of the men who kidnapped me because Robbie was weaker than a stick and I could beat him in a fight anyday, but that didn't make me feel any better.

"Robbie what the hell is going on" I yell at him trying to sound brave as I choke back my sobs. "Your spoiled little ass stumbled into something, that's what" he spat grabbing my face with his dirty hand "go to hell" I yelled, earning me a slap to the face.

"What do you know!" He yelled back at me "Nothing I swear"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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