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Me and Lola decided to go to the biggest party of the year that one of the guys in are grade throws.

She wasn't sure about going but after I told her that I needed her to make sure I didn't get super wasted she agreed to go.

When we got there half the people were already wasted. And oh lucky me I saw my favorite person... Marcus. All his wounds seemed to be healing pretty well, he still won't tell me what happened though and it's pissing me off.

Sadly he was looking really good tonight. I wish he didn't make me want to jump off a bridge.

I grabbed a drink from the table and downed it in a second. Hoping that this night would make me forget about everything in my life.

Me and Lola were making fun of the football guys who were trying to chug beers and failing miserably.

But then Lola left me to go find Jack who is somehow everywhere we are. I swear he is stalking Lola. And I was stuck with the bitchiest girls I've ever met. There was one girl who was really nice.

Her name was Lily, she had red curly hair and bright blue eyes. We were talking about art class, she had a different teacher but they taught the same thing.

"Oh my god, it's actually bad" she laughed, talking about how bad her class is at art.

"Yeah I swear only 5 people want to do the class and the others are just doing it for a easy mark"

"So what do-" she got cut off by Marcus and his friends. "Oh hey Marcus" her voice got super high pitched. Fuck she was one thoses girls.

"Um how you are doing" her voice was fucking irritating. "What's up with your voice?" Marcus asked. She looked at him confused and pursed her lips.

"What do you mean, this is my normal voice" she has got to be kidding. Right.
"Yea sure" I snicker rolling my eyes at her.

"Hey Evy," he said, looking me up and down. I was in a white skirt and a green top. "Hi" I said quickly before walking away trying to find the beer pong I heard about.

 I was miserably losing beer pong, I didn't really care that much because I want to get really drunk tonight

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I was miserably losing beer pong, I didn't really care that much because I want to get really drunk tonight. I think it was after my 10th shot and 2nd beer I started to really feel the alcohol kick in.

Lola walked by me and I don't know what happened but the next second I was pulling her into a kiss, but she didn't pull away and we just kept kissing. aAbout 30 seconds in, a bunch of boys started chanting things.

I pulled away after I saw 4 guys get boners " love you bae" I said slapping her ass before she blew me a kiss and walked away.

Then someone grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. I looked up to see Marcus alone. "That was some show you put on there" he laughed "but you should probably stay clear of some of the guy for a little bit"

I leaned in close "wouldn't you love to be Lola for a second" I whispered in his ear.

A smirk appeared on his face as he leaned in closer. I instantly took my chance and licked his face like a dog.

"Eww Evy what the fuck" he yelled wiping off his face. I laughed evilly.
"You should know I wouldn't kiss you" I punched him in the arm causing me to almost fall over.

Marcus helps me catch my balance. "You're drunk" "I'm having fun" I corrected "and you can't talk your probably drunk too" I slurred my words.

"I'm not drinking tonight" he said, holding my shoulders so I didn't fall over "why not" " because- " before he could finish I puked on his black t- Shirt and myself. "-of that" he laughed.

I was so embarrassed. I thought he would just laugh at me and leave but instead he put my arm around his shoulder and picked me up.

"Where are we going?" I asked "home before some guy sees you not being able to stand your so drunk" he responded. Almost like he cares about me.

"I'm not that drunk and don't think for a second I'm going on that darn motorcycle again" I mumbled.

"I drove here" I looked at him with worry in my eyes "in a car right" I had to make sure. "Yes in a car" he clarified "what happened to 'I don't drive cars" I mimicked him "my motorcycle is in the shop, I'm getting my brakes fixed"

I slowly walked to the car. The world felt like it was spinning like crazy. God I hate feeling sick. When we finally got to the car I leaned on it for a good 5 minutes before I moved

He carefully put me in the passenger seat, then he got in the car and drove home. I puked two more times before we got home. I swear he drove 2 red lights and was going 20 km faster than the speed limit.

I got out of the car and puked on the grass. "You know puke tastes really bad, it's like my cooking when I was a kid, and my cooking now if I'm being honest" I rambled on.

He quickly carried me up the stairs with his hand over my mouth stopping me from talking. I talk a lot when I'm drunk. I mean even more than I do normally.

He brought me up to my room and took me into the bathroom. " Marcus I don't feel that good'' I grumbled as he sat me down on the shower floor propping my head and back against him.

"You're going to be ok" he said as he took off his puked covered shirt. "Damn your ripped" I mumbled under my breath. I think he heard me because he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Jesus Christ how much did you drink?" he asked "the guys were daring me and I didn't want to be a pussy," I told him.

He turned on the shower lightly and washed his torsos. Then he kneeled down behind me still and helped me take off my shirt and skirt leaving me in my skippy strapless bra and short shorts I wore under my skirt.

He didn't look. He cupped his hands filling them up with water then splashed it on my stomach getting off all the extra puke.

Then he rubbed my back and I started to feel better. I lean back on his chest and hold one of his hands him still rubbing my back with the other.

The next thing I know I wake up in my bed at 4 am having no clue how I got here. I looked down at my body to see I was wearing one of Marcus's shirts. Shit did I fuck him.

I quickly look under his shirt and I see the same bra and shorts I wore last night. Thank god.

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