Kissing booth

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WARNING ⚠️ Sexual Seen Ahead ⚠️

I sat down on the uncomfortable chair
"sorry for ruining your night" he apologized "you're not, I didn't have anything planned" I sighed, then an idea popped into my head. I ran and grabbed my computer. "But if I am staying here" I pushed him over to one side of the bed and climbed in " we are watching a movie. Of my choice"

"How do you feel about the kissing booth" I asked him "Nooo" he complained " Well you actually don't have a choice so" I push him over more and stole his pillow.
"Can't we watch something good?" I roll my eyes and turn on The Kissing Booth.

It was half way through the movie and Marcus was hooked, I rested my head on his chest, my leg was on his and his arm around my shoulder making sure I won't fall off the bed. I looked into his eyes. God he was hot and he had a perfect jawline.

I couldn't look away from him, until he looked at me. My cheeks glowed red from embarrassment "Are you checking me out V" he chuckled at how embarrassed I was. "No, just watch the goddamn movie" I pushed his head back into the direction of the movie.

After about 2 minutes of watching the movie I started to look at him again. He looked at me and I moved my head away as quickly as I could.

Marcus grabbed my neck with his strong hand, then kissed me passionately. He climbed over top of me. I pulled away "I think one of us should close the door" he continued to kiss my neck "or everyone could watch" he whispered into my ear.

"Marcus please" he didn't stop kissing me, he just made a grunting sound signaling he didn't want to stop. "I'd love to hear you say that for a different reason" he mumbled beside my ear. I could feel a pool of warmth in my pussy. "Go close the fucking door" I put my hand on his chest stopping him from kissing me.

"Fine..." he got up and slammed the door shut. "Now can we continue?" I nodded and he climbed back on top of me. I helped him take off his shirt and he did the same for me. I was wearing a white lace bra that made me look like I had a boob job.

He kissed down my chest then stopped at the start of my sweatpants "it's ok" I told him. He ripped off my pants leaving me in a thong, he rolled over laying so I was on top of him, he sat up leaning against the pillow. I thrust my hips back and forth on his crotch.

He grabbed me and pulled me in closer.
I lean against his shirtless chest and he kisses my neck. I felt an erection growing in his pants but this time I didn't pull away, instead I started kissing him harder. I pulled down his pants leaving him in just his boxers, I could see the 7 1/2 inches sticking up.

I swallow my fear and move my mouth down to wear his dick is. I slowly pull off his boxers leaving him exposed. I was a little intimidated, not going to lie. The two guys I've been with only had 5 inches.

"You ok?" he asked, looking me straight in the eyes "yeah, I've just never seen bigger than 5" I laugh at my fear "you don't have to" he tells me even though he knows I never do anything unless I want to.

I wrap my mouth around the tip his big dick, he grabs my hair with one of his hands and clutches the side of the bed with the other one. He pushes my head making me slowly move my mouth up and down. He lets out a small moan, I start to go faster. He runs his hand through his hair making it fall perfectly.

I look up and see that he is enjoying it.
I add my hand where my mouth doesn't fit. "Oh fuck" he moans and tenses up. A strained moan comes out of his perfect lips as I start to go even faster.

My free hand rested on his waist. I look up again and see him staring at my ass that is in the air. I was in a downward dog position and my knees were honestly starting to ache, but I could barely think about that.

It was about a minute late when he let out the loudest moan yet, then he came in my mouth. He let go of my hair and patted me on the head. "That wasn't so bad was it" he laughed as I spat any future children into a Kleenex then chugged some water.

I threw on a pair of his boxers and laid on his chest. I felt safe with him, like he had a protective grip on me. He ran his hands through my hair as we talked.

I fell asleep on him. I hear Someone clear their throat, I quickly look up and see Lucy and Jeff looking down at just. I look down at our body's and am relieved to see that my body is covered with a hoodie. "Did you guys have a good night?" Lucy asked if she seemed so innocent, then I looked at Isaac who was covering his mouth with his hands trying not to laugh.

"It was good, the chair was just really comfortable so I made Marcus share" it wasn't really a lie, I just don't think they need to know I gave their son head. Marcus was still out,

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