Moms Necklace

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Before I went to bed I decided to un pack the last of my bags to get my mind off of what happened earlier.

I found my favorite shirt that I thought I lost forever and my second least favorite book.

As I was going through my last bag I found my mother's necklace that she gave me on my 10th birthday. It was the first thing I got that had a real diamond in it and I remember I didn't take it off for a good 2 years and then it broke. God I was so sad when it broke, I cried and cried till my mom hugged me and said it was ok.

Before I knew it I was crying like a baby just looking at this necklace. I felt like I could barely breathe, I tried not to think about my parents, but now that I was I couldn't stop.

My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest, and I started to hyperventilate.

I heard a deep voice behind me "Evy, what's wrong" I looked back and see Marcus

Fuck these thin walls

"I-I" I tried to respond but I couldn't get the words out, all I could do was sit on my floor and cry.

I thought Marcus would laugh at me but he didn't. Instead he walked over and picked me up, putting me on my bed.

He started to walk away, thinking I wanted to be left alone.

"Marcus," I mumbled. "Yeah V" "could you stay here for a bit" I said while patting the bed. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the moment earlier that made me say what I did, but for some reason I felt safe with him.

He climbed into the bed beside me and I rested my head on his lap. He ran his hand lightly down my back and covered my legs with the covers. After that it only took me a few minutes to fall asleep.

~ Marcus ~

When we got back to the party I headed straight for my room. I didn't expect to like Evy, let alone almost kiss her. She just did something to me no other girl did. And yeah she was super hot but there was something else I just don't know what it is yet.

I changed out of my dress pants and put on gray sweatpants and a white tank top. I was about to turn on shameless when I heard Evy crying in her room. I wasn't going to go over because there was a chance she was crying about what happened earlier , but then it sounded like she couldn't breath so I raced over.

"Evy, what's wrong?" I asked. She tried to speak but all she could do was cry. I felt bad, after a second I figured out she was crying because of her parents.

I walked over and picked her up, putting her on her bed. I assumed she didn't want me there so I started to leave until I heard her call my name "yeah V" I responded "could you stay here for a bit"

I got into her bed and she rested her head on my lap, I tense up for a second until she stops moving.

I pulled the covers over her legs and ran my finger through her hair and down her back. She fell asleep shortly after. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. Usually she had a judgemental look on her face but, in this moment she looked content.

I fell asleep a bit after she did. Only to wake up to her moving around with her head still on my lap. I feel myself getting hard. Fuck. I gently place her head on the pillow and I stand up.

I look around her room. Her room was smaller than mine but was still pretty big.

Then in the corner of my eye I saw a drawer that was half open. I looked in and saw a bright pink vibrater. Damn she knows how to have fun. I also saw a packet of condoms in the same drawer.

I wondered when the last time she used the vibrater was. Then I started thinking about how tight she was when I put my fingers in her. They guys she fucked before must of had tiny dicks.

I heard my parents get home and I went down stairs.

" Marcus, Issac in the kitchen now, we need to have a family meeting" dad said in a stern tone.

I hated 'family meetings'. Everyone might think my family has earned their money in an honest and fair way, but I know that's all a lie. They get their money by cheating and lying and they had to drag Evy's parents into their business with them.

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