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(Somewhat mature seen)

I sit down against the tree and lean my head back. I Look back to the feild and see Will getting dragged to a cop car along with his friends, I can't help but laugh at how but damage Marcus did to him in such a short amount of time.

"That was kinda hot you know, in a kinky sort a way" I tell him "if you think that is hot you should see my bruises" he jokes, holding his side as he sits down beside me. I lift up his shirt to look at the cuts and bruises.

"How bad does it hurt" I wonder "I've had worse" "you should really get some ice on-" before I could finish my sentence I felt a pair of lips smash on to mine. He grabbed my waisted and pulled me in closer.

I thought about pulling away but something possessed me and instead I moved so I was sitting on his lap with one leg on each side, pushing his back against the tree.

He takes off my shirt leaving me in my bra, then he takes off his, exposing his ripped bruised body. "are you sure your ok" I mumble as he kisses my neck. "Shut up and kiss me" he demands.

His one hand grabbed my hair and the other wraps around my neck pulling me closer to him. My breathing becomes heavy as his grip on my neck tightens and I arch my back.

I slowly started to move my waist back and forth rubbing my inner thighs against his waist and my pussy on his crotch, "fuck" he moans as I start to a a little bit move faster.

I run my hand through his thick brown hair, and placed my other hand on his abs feeling all his scars and bruises. He took his hand out of my hair and placed it on my thigh. I moved my hands and grabbed each side of his waist for balance.

His hand slowly moving up higher on my thigh, until the point where his hand was under my loose shorts and half under my thong.

He starts kissing my neck more aggressively, and I let out a soft moan.

He kisses me more passionately moving his lips back up to mine. My hands wrap around his jaw, his one hand still holding my neck.

With one hand he pulls down my thong just enough for his hand to fit. Two of his fingers started to go inside me and I let out a moan as his finger go farther. "God your so tight" he whispers in my ear.

I try to hold in my moans as his fingers start to move faster inside me. I feel a growing bulge in his pants. Memories of
the night my parents died flash through my mind.

I pull away then standing up "sorry I just" I try not to cry but it was useless the tears were already coming. Marcus stood up and pulled me into a hug, I lean my head on his shoulder. "It's ok Evy, how about you go back to the motorcycle I'll be there in a minute"

I walk back over to the motorcycle waiting for Marcus. I wipped under my eyes attempting to get off the mascara that fell. It was about ten minutes of waiting before Marcus walked out of the forest.

Me and Marcus went to the Mc Donald's down the street from are house. When we walked in I was surprised to see Jack working behind the counter "Jack!" I yelled as I gave him a high five. "Hey Evy, Lola with you" he asked with a smile "no, but she is staying at my house if you want to come over" it was only 12:00 and a Saturday so we could sneak him in and out easily enough. His smile grew even bigger as Marcus rolled his eyes.

Marcus didn't like Jack but I was going to change that. "Yeah that would be great, I get off at 12:15"

I texted Lola and of course she was still up doing her nails. She was so excited that he was coming over, he never went to her house beacuse of her parents. I considered Lola the sister I never had and honestly I was happy she was staying over with me.

Marcus ordered a Big Mac and I got 12 chicken nugget's, they bullied me for eating like a 10 year old but I couldn't help it there just so good. Plus Jack gave us the day old donuts for free.

We got up to leave after jacks shift ended and he followed us to the door "Oh sorry we are on a motorcycle, but I'll leave the downstairs bathroom window on the right side open, and if you have trouble finding it just call Lola" I say waving good bye.

"Ok thanks V" he waved back "no problem, oh also I hope you like horror movies beacuse Lola is setting one up in the basement for us to watch" I yelled over Marcus starting the motorcycle.

It only takes a few minutes to get back home. Lola was setting up the basement, apparently we were watching the Blair witch Project. And because the James were rich motherfuckers they basically had a whole ass movie theater in their basement.

Lola had popcorn and a whole assortment of snacks laid out. She couldn't stop smiling and was so happy for her, Jack was a great boyfriend and always made her smile.

It was 20 minutes after we got home when we heard a loud thud from upstairs, I run to the bathroom and saw Jack laying on the floor. "What was that Marcus?" I heard Lucy yell upstairs. Fuck. "Nothing mom, I just slipped," he lied. We all quickly ran to the basement and slammed the door shut.

"Sorry guys" Jacked apologized "it's fine my mom probably just thinks it was me sneaking some girl in" jacks face was stunned by Marcus response "but aren't you two dating" he said pointing at me and Marcus, I erupted into laughter "me and Marcus, no, why would you even say that" I couldn't stop laughing.

We all laid down on the couch, Lola was curled up in Jack lap, as she watched the movie he just stared at her in awe with a cute smile on his face.

I sat up kinda scared of the movie but not wanting to amit it "I'm going to get some more popcorn" as I walked up the stairs I saw Marcus watching my ever move.

After I grabbed some popcorn and went to the bathroom I went back downstairs. I felt bad about leaving Marcus to third wheel. And I felt bad about leaving him hanging in the forest.

I sat down on his lay "catch" I say throwing a piece of popcorn at his face, I aimed for his mouth but it didn't make it in "your aim sucks' ' he mumbled pushing me lightly. "Let me try, '' he grabbed the popcorn and I opened my mouth. He threw it far and I fell back landing on the ground " Ha, I got it" I yelled, sticking out my tongue showing him the piece of popcorn.

"Ok and your saying their not dating?" Jacked mummle to Lola, me and Marcus both stop what we're doing and stare at him.

The movie was fucking terrifying so I ditched early Marcus followed shortly after me, probably beacuse Lola and Jack stopped watching the movie and we're just.. talking.

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