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I was at one of Lola swim meets, her parents couldn't come so I was there to support her. Plus she is really good so it's fun to watch.

She says she is better at skiing but ever since she moved it's been harder to go.
Especially because only her mom had a drivers license and she was rarely home.

She won two gold medals and was going for a third. I wanted her to get another so I could walk around with it and pretend I won it and didn't just sit on my ass.

"Come on Lola!" I yelled as she raced the last 20m. I heard another voice cheering her on. I looked over expecting to see Jack but instead I saw a skinny pale ass boy with blonde curly hair.

He also had two medals, one was gold and the other was silver. But since his hair was dry I assume he was one of the morning races.

I think about introducing myself, instead I pretend that I didn't see him. My unsocial ass didn't feel like making conversation.

She finished in second place to some bitch. I mean I've never met her but she beat Lola so she was a bitch.

When Lola got out of the water, she got a silver medal and hugged me and the blonde boy.

"Oh Evy, this is Robbie, I met him a few weeks ago at another meet" she explained. "And Robbie, this is Evy, my best friend" she said, pulling me into another hug.

"It's nice to meet you, Lola talks about you a lot, like a lot," he laughed. "But hey Lola good meet yea?" He asked.

"Yeah not bad three medals" I punched her in the arm lightly. "It was fine but I really wish I got that girl, maybe I can run her over with a car so she can't swim anymore" she smiled evilly.

"Yeah because swim meets in jail are just so much better" I joked. "Ok well then you run her over" she said pointing to Robbie. "I don't have a car but I mean if your willing to buy me one I'll run over anything"

"I'm sorry guys I'm just going crazy, I could of gotten her" "next year you will beat her or I will run her over" Robbie promised

After the three of us talked for a while we all went back to my place and played video games in the basement.

I was destroying both of them when Marcus walked down. "What are you nerds doing?" he laughed but stopped immediately after he saw Robbie.

"What the fuck are you" he rudely asked "I'm Robbie" "Robbie swims with Lola" I told him "skin and bones can swim"

"Marcus" I yell, why was he being so rude to Robbie. "Can you leave?" I beg him. "Nah I'm good" he says sitting down right beside me.

I was focused on the game and didn't realize when he put his arm around my shoulder.

I lost the game and Marcus got pissed because I was ignoring his instructions. He snachted the remote out of my hands and started playing.I blame my hair for all my losses. It kept getting in my eyes so I couldn't see.

"Damn you are worse than me" I bullied Marcus. "Well I don't spend all my time playing video games, I go out and do real sports"

I laid my head on Marcus's lap and put my feet on Lola's thighs as they continued to play.

~ Marcus ~

I don't know what happened but as soon as I saw that Robbie kid I sat beside Evy and put my arm around. I didn't know what it was about him, I swear I've seen him somewhere but I didn't like him, not one bit.

As I played Evy laid right on my dick. I kept playing as she watched but after a few games Lola and Robbie left and Evy was asleep on me.

It was fine until her hand moved right on top of my dick and opened her mouth making little whimpering noises, I assume she is having a nightmare.

Right when I was getting myself under control a little scream left her mouth and she closed her hand grabbing my dick.

"Fuck" I moaned, I could feel my erection growing. I felt so wrong. I wanted to move but didn't want her to wake up and see me with a boner.

She didn't let go of my dick which did not help my situation. I quickly made a plan in my head.

I pushed her off my lap causing her to fall on the floor and ran up to the bathroom before she could wake up.

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