a surprise, Christmas, top surgery soon?

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I open the door, and my jaw drops, and I immediately hug him, almost squeezing the life out of him
"I missed you so much," he said
"Me too,"
We walk in, and kit throws his stuff on the floor, and I jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and not wanting to let go. Kit walks over to the sofa and sits down I move my head away from his neck and I look at him, I kiss him hard slipping my tongue in his mouth, kissing him like there is no tomorrow, kit breaks away
"God, I love you so much," he says
"I thought you wouldn't come until tomorrow," i say
"Well, the delays got cancelled, so i was able to get the flight back," he smiles

I kiss him again, and then I hug him. I just started crying
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kit asks
"I thought you wasnt coming back." I sob
"Oh baby," he chuckles while hugging me. "Of course I would come back,"
"I thought you wasn't though"
"Hey, river am I here though,"
I nod
"See, so I did come back,"
I smile sadly

"Do you want me to make you a hot chocolate?"
"No, not really,"
"Okay," he whispers. "What do you want to do?"
"Nothing really, I just want to cuddle,"
"We can do that,"

We cuddle for a bit, and then Kit starts taking photos
"What are you doing?" I laugh
"Taking some memorable photos of us," he smirks
"Nooo delete that I look disgusting," I say, trying to take his phone
"Noooo," he smiles, moving his phone away from me

We ended up play-fighting for a bit for me to delete the photos that kit took, but we were stopped due to my phone ringing, kit gets off of me and I sit and I pick up my phone and see the gender clinic calling, I press accept and I put it on speaker
"Hello?" I say
"Hi River, so i see that you are about three months on testosterone now. we have space for you to get top surgery if you would like to get it done. "
"Oh my fucking god yes I would really like too"
"Okay I can book you an appointment for you surgery at January 10th if that's okay with you"
"Yes, that's fine"
"Okay ill book you in. have a lovely Christmas"
"You too,"

I hang up, and I look at kit, and I start squealing, and I hug him tight
"Kit, that's less than a month, oh my goddd,"
"I know, I'm so glad you're happy and starting to feel really good about yourself." He smiles
"The titties will now disappear." We both laugh
We end up just doing some random things before going to bed

We didn't really do anything the next day. we just sort of watched a few movies, nap. Kit went to the gym for about three hours, but it was Christmas tomorrow, and it's my favourite holiday I live everything about it, well apart from the family dinner other then that it's so amazing, I love the lights, the sound the bells make, god I can't even name everything I like about it.

I woke up about two hours before Kit, so I was just laying there. Kit starts waking up, and then he looks at me
"Merry Christmas, baby," he says, kissing me
"Merry Christmas, kitster." I lay on top of him, and we cuddle for a bit, then we get up

We walk downstairs, and kit makes up breakfast, we eat two crumpets each, well I only ate one, but improvement?
I sit in the living room, and I scroll through my phone, and kit jumps onto me, and hugs me
"Do you want the presents I got you?"
"I want to give you your presents first," I say, getting up

I run upstairs and I get five presents from the wardrobe and a card and I walk downstairs
"Woah, you didn't have to get me all that,"
"Well, I did. Open the card first. " I smile

To kit,
I think you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. From the moment I saw you on TV in a heartstopper, I knew I'd love you. When I first met you, I knew I wanted to date you when we shared our first kiss. I wanted you to be mine, kit. All you have ever done is make my life so much better after what i have been through, I love you so so so much, merry Christmas
Love from river

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