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    ✧ TW ✧ mentions of some smut ✧

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TW mentions of some smut

This year

7:27 pm

The Island felt alive that night. A full moon sat in the center of a dark summer sky as an Island breeze rushed over palm trees and daylilies.

Blaring music meshed with mixed conversations throughout the large house in Charleston, as blue iridescent lights surrounded it. The distinct aroma of jungle juice, vapes, and weed swam throughout the crowd of teens, intoxicating everyone in it.

Her eyes wandered as solo red cups and bottles were passed around the party, while she and Astrid sat in a hot tub on the patio, reflecting violet-pink, fluorescent lights.

" Quit babysitting," Astrid nudged her shoulder, referring to the joint between Franny's fingers that had started to burn unevenly." You good?"

She wasn't good. Weed always let her get lost in her head, especially when she had shit on her mind.

All she'd been thinking about since they got there was how much she wanted to down a bottle of Grey Goose, and since the party was covered with alcohol, it just made her want it more.

The sativa had her second-guessing herself. Maybe everyone was right, she thought. 'A recovering alcoholic shouldn't be around alcohol', but she didn't want to be treated differently.

Limit those around her from enjoying their summer all because she had a drinking problem. She believed in self-control, remembering it was mind over matter in the midst of it all. But fuck, it was hard.

    Her thoughts were cut short by a sudden " What's wrong?" from Astrid, noticing her friend's absence.

Franny's glossy eyes averted back to hers before taking another hit and passing it. " I'm going to KC's tomorrow. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you think he still hates me?"

" Like a hundo, Fran."

" Astrid," she whined.

" Franny, it's true. Ever since you grew tits, he's been like in love with you." She said, doctoring the joint in her hands." But I mean finding out the girl you like, was getting her back blown by Satan is kinda brutal."

" Okay well, can you come with me so I can finally rip off the Band-Aid," she begged.

" Can't," Astrid inhaled, as the smoke from the joint spilled into her lungs. " I'm stuck babysitting that booger eater all day tomorrow." She breathed.

" Astrid," Kie jogged up to the hot tub as the two turned their heads to face her. " Your brother's shitfaced in my dad's truck, I can't find Pope anywhere, and John b's somewhere swapping spit with Sarah Cameron-"

Toxic Summer ✧ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now