Rain Check (Vintage X Reader)

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Requested By AbelEnthusiast

Art for the cover was done by me

Small note- the reader will be the sibling to one of my OCs named Nightmare. I will put a pic of her at the end of the story... If... I can find a good one

No one's P.O.V

It was a bright and sunny day not even two hours ago, yet now after a few turf and ranked wars. While most Inklings, Octolings, and Inktarians ran for shops or cafes to wait for the rain to end. Two inklings in particular stayed in Deca tower to wait for the rain to end or perhaps subside.

(Y/N) tapped on her squidphone, shivering slightly from the cold breeze that came from the rain fall. Her sister always seemed like the cold and heartless type. But (Y/N) knows her sister is a worrier at heart as well.

Vintage blankly watch the rain fall from the clouded over the sky. Sighing in discontent, he shoved his hands into his sweater pockets. He glanced down at his squidphone, seeing texts coming from his team group chat.

The Idiot(Double)- Yo you people still up for ranked after the rain goes away??

Mmmm maybe... If the rain ever stops...-Omega

Harley Quinn knock off(Red-solo)- I'm down for turf in the rain!!

You'll dissolve in the rain dipshits...-Vintage

The Idiot(Double)- well thanks for that downy dumper...

Just shut up Double...-Vintage

The Idiot(Double)- >:( fuck you!!

Harley Quinn Knock Off(Red-Solo)- ... XD Why are you buying clothes at the soup store!!

The Idiot(Double)- FUCK OFFFF!!!! FUUCKK!!

Vintage sighed loudly as Red and Double fought in the chat, turning his head to the side when he heard (Y/N) sneeze lightly. Looking them up and down...

He sighed, slowly taking off his windbreaker, seeing as the female beside him didnt have much on besides a (T-Shirt type Gear) on. Quickly throwing it at her

Stunned by the sudden impact. (Y/N) yelped in slight surprise, taking the windbreaker off of her head. She looked at it. Then at Vintage.

"Put it on before I change my mind...besides... Your sister would kill me if I let you get sick..." He said, crossimg his arms. His scowl only getting deeper on his eyes.

Laughing lightly. She did as she was told and put it on. Due to Vintage being slightly taller then (Y/N) the windbreaker was slightly to big for her.

" its... A little big Vinny..."

" you know I didn't have to give my windbreaker to you..."

" N-no no!! I didn't mean that in a bad way!! I was... Just saying..."

" just shut up..."

She nodded and snuggled her head into the collar of his windbreaker, smiling slightly. It smelled slightly like rasberries and roses, giggling slightly she looked over at him

" this is usually nice for you... What changed??"

He growled and looked over.

" Like I said... Your sister would have killed me if I let you get sick!... And... I..mmmfhmm.." He mumbled, trying yo hide his face by bringing his shoulders up.

(Y/N) tilted her head slightly. Making Vintage blush softly due to how cute she looked

" I.. Care about you ok... More... Then a friend would... I... Think... I..." He paused, face becoming a darker shade of cyan by the second.

The female, still trying to process what he said, turned a sudden shade of (F/C).
She smiled lightly and walked over closer to his side. Leaning up and kissing his cheek.

" I love you too, Vintage."

"??!?!... Uh... Yeah... T-thats...what i was gonna say... Mmm..." He cleared his throat slightly, holding his hand out.

"Seems like the rains letting up... Means we can continue some ranked battles if we want..." He commented, flicking some water off his fingers. Taking (Y/N) hand.

"Lets get something warm to drink before we continue battling...k..."

"Hehehe. Ok you big soft-hearted rat..."



~Rain Cheak~

Hope you enjoyed it!! It is currently 1:30 in the morning so if the quality is somewhat bad I am sorry!! Anyways thank you so much for sticking around and requeating!! Means a lot.

Stay Fresh and off the hook!!

-Outcasts out!

this is Nightmare. Only good drawing i have of her at the moment

 Only good drawing i have of her at the moment

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