Sick days and lovely words (Bobble Hat x Mask)

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Requested by Lyricalily

No ones P.O.V

back and forth back and forth, Mask paced around his room his teammates watching him. "Why are you pacing?" Desi asked with us usual cat-like smile. "I dont kkknnoowww..iiii think III have a ccrrruusshhhh on someonnee." Mask said in his normal tired tone of voice. "Bbbuut it kkiinnddaaa goes against eeevvery thhinng we ttthhhinnk about happy people." " I thought we gave up on that. After the battle against team blue." Mask blushed, blue team...Bobble hat is why he was pacing. He liked her a lot but didn't know how to tell her...he would never admit it but when it came to these things he was shy...really shy... But be had to try. "I'll be ggooiinngg put fforr awhile....oookkk...bye." And with that Mask was out the door, on a mission, get his princess or save as it will be in most games.

At the square..

Mask looked around to try his blue princess to complete his quest. Spotting her, he went over to her "hheeyyy Bobbllee..." "Huh..OH!! Hey Mask!! How are you doing!!" "I....iimmm dddoooiiinnngg gooddd I guess..." He blushes a bit under his mask. "S-so iiii was wwoonnddderinngg...wweelll...I wanted" he was cut off by a kiss. He blushes 50 shades of blue "HAHAHA I love you too!!"

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