Fallen Kingdoms (Fallen King Emperor x Reader)

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Requested by @judokika-chan

After the battle with team blue Emperor went on to see how to live like...a commoner as he would put it, bur he cant complain much anymore about it...he as given up his title of king to his younger brother Prinz. So with that being said, he went to go 'train' by himself for a while....

Y/Ns P.O.V

Today was the day! We finally got to Inkopolis Square!! And it was X rank battle cup thing and my Team and I. Team Cherry pop are going to be in it!! My team was a rare all female team but we are tough as guys! Well...at least are two X rankers are hehe. Dont get me wrong Captain and I are still strong but the other two make the defense great. Oh rude sorry should have told you who was on my team hehe


Shes the leader, very joyful! But she doesnt fight that much so she mostly covers turf.


She is second in command, has great plans for anything. And she is mostly protecting Cherru so she can cover turf.


Im in between fighting and just turf converting I like to fight but don't like to get involved alot..


She is the strongest when it comes to head on fights. She uses a custom Charger she made herself. She can hit her opponent from almost anywhere

Now that you know that. Cherru and I never played a ranked battle before so we are mostly going to listen to Night and Elinkzabeth. But overall im exited to be here!! Its going to be so much fun!! I hope we get to meet Blue team! "Not to hate on you Chu-Chan....but I hate are Team name....it is not....fitting..." Nightmare said with her flat tone of voice. Cherru shrugged " its cute! But deadly!!" Nightmare looked at her confused.."...Deadly?..." "Yeah because we can pop you!! Or ..somethin like that..." Elinkzabeth and I laughed, i started to look around seeing a food truck. "Hey! You guys wanna eat something before we start to battle." "Ok!! That sounds great!!" Cherru said running to the truck, we all followed are leader until it blew up and a Yellow colored inking flew out of it...i blushed looking at him, was he a angle. No...Its Emperor!! Here wow!! He looks so handsome up close!! "....Y/N...stop drooling over Emperor...." I heard Nightmare say with a sigh, I blushed and looked away as blue team went up to him...are the going to be in the battle to?

After a lot of battling we got into the semi-finals. It was a hard battle, but we manage and over all it was so much fun!! "Hello there.." I flinched and turned around. Emperor stood there with all his glory "you fought well for a commoner..eh...i mean you fought well" he said with his usual smirk on his face. I nodded feeling very nervous "you did well too! But I would expect that from a king of turf!" He laughed "ah so you know about that...then you also know about my down fall hmm?" I nodded "yes but I still think your a king!..Wait I mean!!...uuuhhh!!" I blushed a deep red. This was embarrassing...he only laughed and took my hand, planting a light kiss on it

"hehe ive heard a lot about your team too..but you will be my queen when all this is over.."

Cherru belongs to Creat3r1118Vintage

Elinkzabeth belongs to- Octa_Blaze

Nightmare is mine

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