Fairytale (Vintage x Shy Reader)

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Ok so this is my first ever x reader story so sorry if its bad


Y/N (your name)

N/N (Nickname

F/C (favorite color)


"The train for Inkopolis will leave in 5 minutes!" I quickly got up and walked into the train. I was going to visit my old friend Nightmare today, she was one of my only friends along with her whole team. I was a very shy squid so that was most of the part why I didn't have much friends but I loved the four like family. I was really excited but also nervous since its really out there. Takumi always talked about these amazing teams at the plaza, the S4,Team blue, Team Emperor, and Team X-Blood. He also said how Nightmare started to date one of the S4 members called skull, he also got a good beating after that haha the poor boy. As I waited for the train to get there I put on my headphones and started to play bomb rush blush.

2 hours later

I finally made it! I looked around for my four friends since they said they would pick me up. "Y/N!!!over here!!! Look! Look! Look!" I sighed with a small smile as I walked over. "H-Hello you g-guys! Its been t-to long!" I hugged them all, Takumi almost crushing me" its good to see you too N/N But we should get you settled it...we have a battle later with the X-Blood." Nightmare said sighing, I nodded

Timeskip after the battle

After that whole thing was over I was blushing 5 shades of F/N since I locked eyes with the leader of X-Blood. He was very handsome I'll give him that but my shyness will prevent me to talk to him. Especially since he looks so emotionless like Nightmare that didn't really help. "Hey Y/N you ok?" Skull asked. I met him and the rest of the S4 while watching the match. He was nice, not much for talking which is ok with me. I nodded, "really? your blushing really hard." Army said which made me blush harder. "I-IM FINE I SWEAR!" "Haha ok you two leave her alone!" I heard Takumi shout as the four X rankers walked out. Skull walked over to Nightmare giving her a hug. She just rolled her eyes. "Hey." I flinched and turned around, " I don't think I've seen you around before who are you.." "O-Oh! I'm Y/N.. a-and you are?" He just stared me down "Vintage..." He said handing me a peace of paper "I'll see you later" he said walking back over to his team. D-Did he just give me his number?! "OOOOHHHH N/N GOT A DATE!!!" "X-XANDER!!"

Time skip

I waited at the beach since he texted me to do so, I saw this as a opportunity to make a new friend so I went with it. "You actually came?" I turned and saw Vintage there with a boba tea in his hands. "Y-Yes! Why wouldn't I?" He shrugged his shoulders and walked up next to me. " I'll be honest. I don't really mingle with low ranks. Anyone that isn't a X rank are not worth my time..but...you intrigued me somehow." He said looking at me " it amazes me how you made friends with a X ranker... But your beauty is another thing aswell." He said brushing my F/C tentacles out of my face. "So I'll let your low rank slide this time." He said, taking my hand and kissing it.

"I'll see you around"

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