💎 Frosty Fest Special!! 💎

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I picked team family for the frosty fest hahaha

Bobblemask Wedding headcannons


Dress shopping

-Headphones and Red would be the ones to a company her on this task.

-while Headphones would try to go for a more modest wear for her wedding?. Claiming simple is best. Red-Solo would go into over drive to get her something that she claims would kill Mask when he sees her in the dress.

- after a while of the two bickering on which is best for Bobble, she herself picked her dress. Something on the more modest side, but still something quite stunning.

Pre-Wedding practice.

-I cannon that Mask is Hispanic. So most of his family speaks Spanish, Bobble not knowing a lot was very embarrassed half the time.

-lots of embarrassed laughing on her part as she tried not to laugh when speaking it.

-In the end they got through it without her laughing her head off.

Maid of honor.

-100% be Headphones.

-childhood friends since a long time ago so it seems fair that she would be the made of honor.

- Headphones would not stop crying while giving her speech.

- Bobblehat herself would have to hug her as she spoke to calm her down.


Suit shopping.

-Asked Army or Emperor for help, but somehow Aloha got into the mix.

-Aloha wanted to go for something way out there. Being the party animal he was it was a bright pink. Something that really stood out.

-Emperor ended up picking Aloha up and throwing him out of the shop.

-Army helped pick out the design while the Emperor helped with the interior and fitting.

- in the end things went a lot more smoothly then he thought.

- Mask knew that Army and Emperor never got along well but it seemed they made a great team for these kinds of things.

Pre-Wedding practice.

-Would die practicing their vows to one another.

- Would continuously think "this is really happening. I must be dying. Help. It's really happening."

-Army would have to hit him every now and then to get him to refocus.

- once focused again. Did great rehearsing his vows. And he meant every word.

Best man.

- couldn't decide between Army or Skull.

-on one had, he's known Skull a little longer than Army.

- on the other hand. Skull would get lost most of the time and would have to reread his speech all over again

-He settled with Rider.

-Rider gave a few sarcastic remarks about Mask but also said he is proud of how far he has come. And that he better treat his cousin well.



-Mask was a mess the whole time.

-Mask almost ran out of the room with how nervous he was.

-He almost passed away when he saw Bobble walking down the isle with her father.

-Bobble was smiling brightly but was also nervous. Her hands were very sweaty and was afraid she would mess up. Headphones helped her though.

-She messed up a few times when trying to say her vows in Spanish but she got it the second try.

-Mask could NOT speak when trying to say his vows. Stuttering mess.

-was much easier when they practice this before hand.

-once announced husband and wife... Fastest kiss ever. His face was completely cyan..

- Bobble still had to hug Headphones while she made her speech.

-Party was wild thanks to yours truly.

Guest list.








The family's



Double egg

Brides Maids










Best man


Maid of honor


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