Headcannon Practice

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This is just a small practice for me and I'll be using my OC Leo. He is one of my favorites besides Nightmare. Since he's one of the ones I draw the most anyways!! Let's begin.

How you met 🐉

- You met him at Sheldons training room.

- Leo is a shy guy in general. He may look confident and harsh, but under it he is quiet and shy to talk.

- if you wanna become trends with him you gotta be the first to start the conversations.

- his replies will come out forced and quick at first. But once he gets used to having you around he'll have more full conversations with you

Getting to know him

-After the first encounter with him, he will most likely give you his phone number. After an internal battle with himself.

- likes to meet up in secluded places due to not liking social places as much.

- examples will be. Parks, abandoned turf stages, or somewhere not so occupied by others.

He gets feelings/confessing

- Leo doesn't know how to show someone he likes them, especially trying to word it. So be patient with him.

- he'll most likely settle on something simple. Like a quaint picnic near the beach at dusk.

- he'll ask his team leader to help with this of course. Since he's never done this before.

- will call you over the phone, but will at some point give up and come to your house personally due to him stuttering over the phone so much that his words aren't legible.

-will have a very nervous smile as he hands you flowers or anything else his team suggested to give

-will end with him confessing by giving a very sloppy kiss

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