Love Love Love (Vintage X Reader)

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Vintage slowly walked around the square, his stone cold gaze never leaving his face. He sighed softly as he looked around for a certain someone.

Someone he's always had his eyes on.

Someone that loves everyone equally... No matter how bad they are, inside and out.

So that leaves the question... Why did they love him..? Vintage was never the best person, and he certainly didn't want someone to love him... When he couldn't return it.

It was something that always bothered him. Yet he was too prideful to admit it, refusing to open up just slightly to better understand his significant other and what the foreign word of "love" was to him.

Maybe he wasn't even made to love another person... He knew matter how much their lover reassured him, he still felt like he stole something he shouldn't. Something so selfless, beautiful and kind... Loving someone that's selfish, brutal and deadly... Yeah... He was a crook for sure...

He hated the thought of them leaving him, but he also thought id be the best. To avoid hurting them at all..

As he learned from a young age, mental hurt is just as bad as physical hurt. If not maybe even worse.

Scars that run deep not only on skin. But in the mind and spirit... He didn't want to be the cause of that much pain to someone he held so dear to him.

"VINTAGE!! HEY!!! HI!!" Vintages head snapped to the side, his glare hardening when he saw the inkling/octoling/mix run up to him. Not fazed in the slightest at his hard look.

They smiled softly at him, leaning up to lightly peck him on the cheek.

Vintage blushed lightly as he rubbed the place they kissed. He gave a light grunt as he began to speak.

" we should break up..." Vintage said, his heart twisting with anguish as he spoke those words.

The said inkling/Octoling/mix tilted their head. They've known them long enough to know when his darker thoughts and self doubt comes into play..

"Uh-huh... Alright...." They said, crossing their arms. No emotion.

Vintage took a shaky breath, somewhat shocked at their calm demeanor despite what he just said. Was he right... Had they not cared?... Tsk... Of course they didn't care... They just felt pity on him.

Besides who could ever love him...

"If you can give me a good reason..."

"W-well.. I just think it's best... If we both forget before we dwell on it...besides... You deserve someone better than me..."

" that reason was bad...horrible even..."

Vintage looked over, confused. (Y/N) walked over, hugging him tightly as they brought him close. Soothingly rubbing his hair.

"You're always saying shit about yourself. Saying your bad, you're never gonna get better, you'll never love..."

(Y/N) pulled back, smiling softly up by him.

"But you're willing to try and get better. Seeing your mistakes.. And looking out for me... Because you LOVE me... And if that's not self improvement... I don't know what is..."

He stood there, frozen. Processing the words that were just said to him.

A few tears slipped from his eyes, little by little. Vintage sniffed lightly as he quickly wrapped his arms around (Y/N).

"don't leave...please... Don't leave me..."

He heard a small chuckle come from (Y/N) the vibration and sound being music to him...

"I won't you big softly ... I promise..."

~Love Love Love~

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