War and Love (Double Egg x Red-Solo)

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Requested by @AgentSkyler

Yes! My first request!! Before I did this I went and read some stuff about them so it will be a little ooc since they are side characters. But enjoy! The cover was drawn by....me! Yeah couldn't fine any pics on the internet so you have to put up with my bad sketch

No ones P.O.V

Another day at the Deca tower, Team X-Blood just won another ranked battle. But like every few days Red-Solo and Double Egg got into a little scruff. "Stop taunting people for once and Focus! You always get splatted the most because of that!!" Red yelled and him "im just trying to make things interesting! Get off my back Solo!! And besides its true!" Vintage and Omega just watched them squabble over this little thing. Common they might say, Vintage might not like Double Egg that much but he doesn't really like when his team isn't functional. It's not really threatening when this happens. Omega knew Solo did this alot because of her small crush on the dark skinned inkling. Double having the same issue but they were both to shy to say that to one another. "GGGGGRRRR!! Your so frustrating why do I even love you!!!" Solo shouted not thinking that she just confessed her feeling. She blushed a deep cyan and ran away. Double just stood there with a light blush. This is not how he thought he would figure out that his crush liked him back.

2 hours later

Its been awhile Double Egg and Red-Solo still haven't talked to each other. Until

Double Egg has started a chat with Red-Solo

Double- hey...can you meet me at the beach?

Umm sure-Solo

Chat has ended

He silently cheered to himself and got ready. He walked down to the beach since it was a close walk about 9 to 10 minutes. When he got there he saw Solo there waiting. "Hey Solo." She turned to him,her normal smile on her face again "heya! So what did you want to talk about?" "O-Oh...umm i just thought since we don't have anymore battles to day we could hang out." She smiled wider and nodded. They made small talk for awhile, went to a candy shop, and alot of other thing that they thought were fun. They ended the day looking out into the water as the sunset on the beach. Double looked at Solo, taking a deep breath -now or never- he thought " h-hey Solo can I tell you something." She made a small hum telling him she was listening. "I-I like you..a lot...no...i love you a-and I was wondering i-if-" he was cut off by a pear of lips on his. The kiss was small and subtle but full of passion and love. They parted, panting ever so slightly, a small blush on bother there faces "I-Ill take that as a y-yes." She giggled "Hehe yup that was a yes silly!!"

I hope you liked it!! Untill next time bye!!

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