~Little Miss Riding Hood~

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Requested by ed_grande


   Headphones P.O.V

"And remember!! If you follow the path you'll be there by this afternoon!! Do not leave the house until morning tomorrow!! And don't stray from the path!!" I heard My father yelled at me.

  He always worried about me, and I don't mind it. But at times it does get annoying...

   He's never told me why I shouldn't stray from the path, only giving me small details of what dangers are out there. I had a feeling it was just an old folks tale. To keep me in line, but I had no interest in defying my father. He was a great guy and only wanted to look out for me.

  I continued to walk down the path, my basket swaying with the rhythm of my small stroll. My grandmother was getting too old to deal with daily needs nowadays, and since grandpa passes away we have to look out for her more.

  I always try to keep her head up by making her favorite sweets every other day. She seemed to lighten up when I did so, but she passed out shortly after.

" I wonder how shes doing today..."

I thought outloud as a russle from the bushes stopped my train of thought. I held the basket close to my chest, my breath coming in short spirts as I watched the bush carefully.

  I screamed as a male jumped out of the bushes, sniffing around as he locked eyes with me. What caught my atteniton more then his tail and ears...was the fact he had no eyebrows. How odd..

  "U-uh...hello??" I said, shakily as he slowly approched me. He looked at my basket then back at me.

   "Oh! You... Want something to eat?? Uh... Here.." I quickly grabbed a cookie from my basket and handed it to him.

  He quickly took it and happily munched on it, Humming every now and then in satisfaction. I smiled lightly at his cute nature and started walking again to my grandmothers house.

  I heard a small whimper, then foot steps following me. I turned around and looked at him, his face lighting up when I did so. His ears twitched as his tail wagged intensely. 

  I let out a small laugh as he walked closer.

"I'm sorry Mr. Wolf... But you can't follow me.. But... If you wait here tomorrow afternoon I'll bring you something else...ok?"

He nodded and quickly ran back into the woods. I smiled lightly and continued to grandmother's house.


   The next morning I made my way back to my house, Humming a soft tune as I went down. I saw the wolf sitting on a fallen log, waiting as his tail swayed back and forth slightly.

  " hehe I said in the afternoon. Not morning silly..."

  " ...mm... But i couldn't wait... And I was afraid id get lost..."

" . . . you talk?!?!"

  "Yes... .. Do you have any cake??"

I looked at him, dumbfounded as i shook my head.

"No... I.. Not at the moment... But I'll have some later... If you just stay here I'll bring you some ok?"

  " ok.... My name's Skull by the way..."

"Headphones..! Its.. Nice to meet you S-Skull!"

  I held my hand out for him to shake. He took it gently and planted a soft kiss on it.

  " it's a pleasure..."

I blushed a deep shade of blue and pulled my hand back.

"W-Well!! I should get going home!! I'll bring you some sweets later!!"


No one's P.O.V

  Not long after Headphones met the wolf, she started to visit him more. Even when she wasn't supposed to see her grandmother.

  He was quite the character, not really wanting any type of meat that she offered and settled for the small sweet treats she would bring.

   She would be lying if she said she didn't get feelings for him. In his own way... He was charming. Not well mammered but that's to be expected when you live in the woods with no one to keep you company.

  She watched him as he wolfed down one of the tea cakes she had made, a small smile lingering on her face.

  He liked his hands, looking over at the said girl. His gaze lingered on her figure, he leaned in. Headphones blushed at this action and backed up slightly.

   He sniffed her cheek softly, before giving it a small kiss.

   "E-eh?! What was that for?!?" Headphones shrieked, holding her face in her hands as her blush grew a brighter shade of blue.

  "I wanted to try something else besides cake..uh... If... You'll allow it that is.."

  " oh! Well sure! I have some small pies and cookies! And uh.. Some hard candy!" She stammered, trying to push the embarrassment she was feeling down.

   Skull just shook his head slightly as the girl went on and on, leaning in and shutting her up with a gentle kiss.

Headphones eyes widened in surprise before she leaned into it, gently wrapping her arms around his neck.

   They both parted for air, a bright blush on both their cheeks.

"I like this sweet taste..." Skull said, nuzzling into her neck.

  ".. Can I have it more often...? But.. As you as my girlfriend?... " he whispered softly.

  Headphones almost fainting from how hot she was getting.

      "S-S-Sure...! Id... Love to be your girl friend...hehe!"

~Little Miss Riding Hood~

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