Heart Beat Sweets (SkullPhones)

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Requested by Moonwell0928


No ones P.O.V

   Skull walked down the snowy streets of inkopolis, the crisp air nipping at his nose and ear tips. It was just the beginning of fall and the start of Inktober for the city of colors.

   The young cephalopod decided to go down to the local cafe to get something warm to drink and maybe some cookies to accompany them.

On the other side of Inkopolis a certain team blue member had a similar idea. 

  But instead of going to the cafe to buy a shit ton of sweets like Skull. Headphones decided that it was a nice and calm place to work on some music.

  This time of year the cafes always seemed a little more empty believe it or not. Maybe it's the inklings and octolings taking advantage of the cold weather and battling their hearts content out in the cold breeze that accompanied it.

  Arriving at the cafe Skull reached for the handle, not expecting to have another hand land on his in the Process.

  He looked up, locking eyes witb Headphones. She blushed a deep blue before pulling her hand away from his.

   "I-I! Im so sorry Skull! I didnt mean to do that.!! I wasnt looking!! I should have paid atantion!! Again...! Sorry!"

Headphones rambled on and on as she bowed over and over.

  Skull just stared at her, saddened that the warmth of her hand was gone.

  Snapping out of his thoughts he sighed softly and took the girls hand.

  "Don't worry about it... None of us is hurt or anything..... Come on... Lets get inside where its warm before we become Squidcicles.."

   Headphones paused for a momwnt before laughing. She nodded slightly and looked down at their hands.

   "Uh... You can let go of my hand now..." She blushed a darker blue when his grip only tightened around her hand.

  "Nah... I like holding your hand... Makes me... Feel warm inside..." Skull said, opening the door and walking in with her..

  Skull ordered their drinks and his food, then went and sat down with Headphones.

  They talked for hours about hobbies, weapon types, favorite game modes, and lots more until it was time for the cafe to close.

  Headphones mentally cursed a bit as she did see the time. She told Specs she would be home by 7pm. It was currently 10pm at night. She groaned and rubbed her head. Specs has always been a worried wreck.. But when she gets home, she won't hear the end of it.

   "Want me to walk you home?" Skull asked, holding out his hand to her..

She blushed again, smiling and taking his hand.

    " thanks Skull... That would be appreciated..."

   On the walk home, Skull was having a small little war inside his head.

   He likes Headphones a lot, but he just doesn't know how to tell her.  He knows full well that at times he can get lost in the clouds and mess things up.

  But this is one thing he wanted to get right. Even if it killed him!!

  Ok maybe not that but he didn't want to mess up.

  Skull was pulled out of his thoughts when a small hand left his.

  "Thanks again for walking me home... I know it's very late and all but..." Headphones looked down at her feet, chewing on her nail nervously.

  "Do you wanna stay here for the night?? Its late and it's getting colder and you never know what type of creeps are out at night a-!!"

   Skull quickly shut her up with a kiss to the lips. Not that he minded hearing her sweet voice.

   A voice that was sweeter than sugar and candy itself.

  Skull pulled away and nodded his head...

    "I'd love to stay..."

        Headphones smiled, giggling slightly as  her cheeks flared a bright blue. She quickly grabbed his hand and grabbed him into the house she shared with her team.

      The weather outside might be         cold,unforgiving, and bitter. But with both of them within the presence of each other. The night felt a lot warmer for them.


~Heart Beat Sweets~

Sorry this took so long!! But I managed to get it done!! I hope you like it!! It is currently 4:21am where I am so ima get sleep lol.

Stay fresh and off the hook!! I'll catch in the blue soon!!

Outcasts signing off

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