~The Well~

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Birthday Special for Aikowoomy

Half-Rims X Reader.

I was gonna do a Half-Rims X OC but i didn't know if they had one and i forgot to ask prior. Oops lol

Anyways! Enjoy!

Ps. This is my first song type of fic so... Bear with me..

Also I drew the drawing in this story!! Haha.

Edit- The song is called The Well by the crane Wives. For some reason my Wattpad is being a bitch and won't let me add an image and a song so...


No one's P.O.V

~All the words I couldn't say to you...~

Half-Rims watched from afar as (Y/N) talked happily with their friends. He sighed heavily as he took his glasses off, rubbing his temples lightly.

You two have known each other since birth. Childhood friends. But he can't help but to want to be more than just childhood friends. Yet... Wasn't that enough... It should be but... It isn't.

~Fill up the Spaces in my chest~

He has always wanted to say that he loves them. More than just friends, but yet he was so afraid to admit it. Too scared that they would think it weird and never talk to him again. So every word of love he wants to show them Is stuck in his chest like ice.

~Like spare coins poised on the tip of my tongue..~

His friend Gloves knew about his small crush on them. He tried many times that he should just confess, that it will be just fine. Half-Rims has made it quite obvious that he loves the Inkling/Octoling. Spending every coin he earns from his part-time job on them. But said person is quite oblivious as well.

~I make a wish...and hold my breath...~

~Send me anywhere.. Take me out... I'm the well they're drag you down~

Half-Rims took a breath, stepping closer to the girl with a small lily in his hand, before sighing and turning. Walking down the small dirt path that led to a well. One both of them used to visit. Make wishes. Laugh and talk until sundown.


All the words I couldn't say too you. All the dance I have wrought... ~

".. Come on... You'll keep hurting if you don't tell her at some point... It will eat away at you..." Specs said, looking at his friend in worry. Specs... One of his closest friends... Outside of his team and (Y/N) that is. He was the only one he talked to about this. Not knowing Gloves knew about his crush.

"I know... But... It easier said than done... I don't.. Wanna take a risk that could... Ruin it..." Half-Rims sighed again. Bagging his head on the table.

Specs gaze saddened at his friend as he thought.

"Come on... Theres someone I think that could help..."

~That old house, those rotting memories burned easier then I thought~

"Specs?? What is this place? Looks a little... Old..." Half-Rims looked around, the cafe having an old Japanese type of theme to it. With some modern touches of course.

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