Chapter 1 - How we all met

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"Da-Eun, can you bring the glasses please?!" Kibum shouted after you from the living room just as you prepared a charcuterie board.

"I'm kinda busy!" You shouted back, trying to create the perfect salami rose to display in the middle of your arrangement of expensive cheeses, grapes and crackers. "Come get them yourself!"

"But I'm cleaning!"

"And I'm 3 months pregnant!"

"Almost 4!" He shouted again, making you laugh. "I want to get over with the preparations quicker!" He whined.

"And I wanna rest because my feet are swollen and I'm nauseous. But here I am making food!" You shouted back, still laughing. He knew you were just playing around and that preparing this food arrangement didn't bother you at all, even if you truly felt a bit nauseous and your feet hurt.

Kibum stuck his head out through the kitchen's opened door and smiled at you lovingly.

"Hey." He said. He was just so cute.

"Hey." You said back, and you couldn't help but walk over to him and peck his lips.

"The wine glasses?" He grinned mischievously.

"You're taking advantage of my kindness." You whispered and cupped his cheeks, holding on to them tight. "You're lucky I love you."

"Yea. I really am."

"Three glasses?"

"Four." He corrected you.

"I thought Jinki is not able to make it today?" You raised a brow.

"He isn't, but there's still four of us, right? Minho, Taemin and us."

"I can't drink alcohol, Key." You chuckled.

"No, but I don't want you to feel left out." He pouted. "You can just drink grape juice from it and pretend it's wine!"

"Oh, should I?" You laughed while grabbing four glasses. "It's not like I'm going to be left out anyway, they're basically coming to meet me, no?"

"Speaking of, how's your nerves?" He grabbed the four glasses.

"I mean, it's good that I'll have an ally already."

"Me?" Kibum grinned.

"No, not you, dummy. Taemin. I'm glad I've already met him, and it won't just be... awkward, meeting two new people."

"And here I thought I'm your best ally." Key pouted.

"Of course you are." You kissed him again. "Look, they will be here soon, so I'm going back to this damn rose while I still have the patience for it."

"Good luck! And thanks for these." He smiled, clicking the glasses against each other, and walked out of the kitchen.


"So, are you nervous?" You whispered, slipping your hand into your boyfriend's while caressing your ever-growing belly with the other.

"Why would I be?" He chuckled. "It's not like I'm the one meeting someone new. It's literally just Minho and Taemin, and we speak all the time anyway."

"I get Taemin. But what about Minho? You still haven't seen him in what, one year?" You smiled, knowing that despite his indifferent appearance, Kibum did miss his friend, and not seeing each other for so long was hard on him, even if he acts annoyed whenever they speak.

"It doesn't matter. We can be away from each other for 15 years and nothing would change between us." He said with a sassy roll of his eyes, making you chuckle. "It was like that when I was in the military, too."

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now