Chapter 14 - Today marks one year

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~three months later~

"DA-EUN, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" You heard Minho shouting from the living room as you were doing laundry and were separating Haru's white, blue and green bodysuits.

"Can you wait? I'm a bit busy!"


You sighed as you dropped the clothes basket and headed towards them, when you saw that HARU WAS STANDING ON HIS TWO LITTLE FEET.

"Oh my!!!!" You exclaimed, shocked.

"His first steps!" Minho exclaimed proudly as he filmed the baby, wanting to share this moment with all your friends and family.

"No way!!!" You almost teared up, and then Haru did another unexpected thing.

He pointed at you and mumbled a small "Mama", then sat down and pointed at Minho and said "Dada!" with a lot of resolve and determination in those little eyes of his.

Then, he nonchalantly started playing with his toys on the ground, all the while you and Minho couldn't believe what just happened.

First steps and first words – at once?!

"Is our baby a genius?" Minho contemplated as he ended the recording, looking at Haru with a tilt of the head.

"Of course he is, just like his mother." You boasted proudly and sat down in Minho's lap.

Ever since the honeymoon, you two have been growing very comfortable with each other. You spent all your nights together, Minho took you out on dates all the time, and you could say you've been genuinely happy with how your life turned out.

"That's right. You're truly the most amazing woman I've ever met." He complimented you, pressing a kiss on your neck and making you giggle.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He replied and pecked your lips.

"How much?" You grinned mischievously.

"The most."

"Hmmmm, you sure?" You tilted your head with a pout.

"Oh no." He shook his head. "You surely want something."

"Whaaat?!" You playfully pushed his shoulder. "How could you say something so hurtful?" You faked hurt in your tone and placed your right hand on your chest.

"Da-Eun, come on, we both know you." He chuckled. "What is it?"

"I'm just curious if you love me enough to do the laundry?" You continued grinning like a child.

"It's your turn though?! Woah!" He scoffed.

"So you don't love me." You pouted.

"That's blackmail, you little-"

"DADA!" Haru shouted cutely, making both of you turn your heads to watch him play with a stuffed animal. Both of you burst out laughing at that, and you got off Minho, watching him sit up and fondly take Haru in his arms, kissing his cheek.

"Haru, wanna do laundry with dada?"

"Nooooo!" You laughed. "Leave the baby be! He's too young for chores!!!"

"No way! He's gotta learn young! We don't wanna bring up a lazy boy!"

"That's true, what if he gets married and expects his partner to do all the chores? Ew." You shuddered.

"Okay, let's not think about marriage yet, he's barely 8 months old." Minho chuckled.

"MAMA!" Haru shouted again.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now