Chapter 15 - Three years later (Final Chapter)

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~three years later~

"Daddy-" Haru shook Minho awake, whispering. "Daddy, wake up!"

"What is it? What's wrong?" He jolted awake and spoke softly, caressing Haru's cheeks, wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop falling.

"I had a nightmare."

"Shhh, let's go to your room and let mommy sleep, okay?"

"Okay." Haru nodded and grabbed Minho's hand, guiding him to his room.

"What was the nightmare about, Haru?" Minho asked with a frown, noticing how distraught his boy was.

"I dreamt that a- a monster grabbed my leg and- and-" the boy sniffled and tried to speak between his small sobs, making Minho's heart swell up. He was just so cute. It didn't even matter that it was 4 AM and that he had to get up again in 3 hours to hit the gym, then drive you to work, before getting to work himself.

"Was the monster scary?"

"Very! He had big claws, and he was green and blue and orange and yellow!! Like an alien!"

"Green and blue? And orange and yellow?! I bet he looked kind of funny." Minho tickled Haru who burst out laughing.

"And he lived in a big, scary house!"

"Bigger than ours?!" Minho gasped. "Nooo, let's find this monster and paint his whole house pink!"

"Or, or purple!"

"Would you like a purple house?" Minho asked.

"Yes! And brown! And... and white!"

"What if we paint your room tomorrow before mommy comes back?" Minho winked. "Give her a little surprise."

"Yes!!!" Haru spoke, victorious, excitement in his tone.

"But if we want tomorrow to come, we have to go to sleep."

"Okay daddy. Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Of course. Aren't you my favourite boy in the whole world?" Minho caressed Haru's hair gently, admiring his features. He looked so much like Kibum, that even if his friend was gone, he was glad to have a living, breathing reminder of his existence. He loved Haru for that.

He was such an amazing kid, too. Very smart, getting into debates all the time, but also extremely respectful and mindful of others. You did a great job at teaching him manners, while still letting him be a kid.

After Haru fell asleep, Minho walked to the other room to check on Hana, his now 2-year-old daughter. She was sleeping peacefully in her crib, and Minho took a moment to admire her. She had a small face, just like him, and she inherited his nose and mouth as well. The eyes and the hair were yours, though. She was a perfect mix between the two of you, and Minho adored this little girl with the flower name more than anything in the world.

After seeing that everything is fine and both kids are sleeping soundly, he made his way back to the bedroom and laid down on the bed, taking you in his embrace and spooning you.

He pressed a kiss at the back of your head and thought about how much he loved you, and what an amazing person you were.

Despite being pregnant and then stuck at home with two young children, you took him up on the offer to enrol in a long-distance psychology university program, and you worked tirelessly to finish and get the degree. You now landed a job and worked in a centre specialised in helping children with developmental delays, and you loved everything about it. You felt like you had purpose, you were simply thriving.

"Min?" You asked slowly.

"Sorry, love. Did I wake you up?"


"I'm really sorry. You should go back to sleep."

"What time is it?" You asked, your voice tired.

"Close to 5AM."

"Oh no." You replied, making him chuckle.

"Go to sleep, baby."

"Minho, do you want another kid?" You asked, taking him by surprise.

"Another kid?" He chuckled. "You must be really tired to ask me such a thing randomly at 5 AM."

"Just answer?"

"I mean, I'm not opposed to it. Haru and Hana are a handful, but I think we could handle another one."

"That's good, because I'm pregnant." You yawned.

"What? You're what?!" Minho almost jumped out of bed from surprise. You, however, were starting to drift off back to sleep.

"Kibum just told me... in my dream..." Your words trailed off.

After a few seconds of collecting himself, he shook you a bit. "Da-Eun?"

However, you were already back asleep. Minho sighed, then started chuckling, because this was such a you thing to do. Drop a bomb, then go to sleep like nothing happened.

A baby. Minho smiled, thinking back at everything you two have been through. Your little family was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he was happier than ever.

He couldn't wait to go through this adventure again.



(A/N) This is the final chapter of 'Broken hearts can heal'!

It's a short one, but I think it wraps the story up nicely.

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. Your comments always made my day!

You will receive one last notification from this story, where I will advertise my next SHINee Minho book. I hope you'll read that one as well.

Thank you once again!



Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now