Chapter 7 - Exhaustion

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Four days after you returned to the hospital, you've found out that whatever exhaustion you thought you felt before couldn't even COMPARE to how worn out you could get. Haru was waking up every 2 hours, and the tiredness started to take a toll on you.

You didn't have any energy, your whole body was hurting, and you were starting to feel really irritated by every small thing.

Minho was eating something in the kitchen as you made your way to grab something to eat as well.

"Oh, you're awake?" He smiled at you with compassion, noticing the dark circles under your eyes.

"Mhm. Barely." You replied shortly.

"I didn't make any extra, I thought you're going to sleep a bit more this morning."

"That's funny, considering I haven't slept for like 4 days now." You said drily.

"Do you want me to make you something?" He asked, ignoring your passive aggressive tone.


He hummed, then watched you grab a bowl and try to pour milk in it. You've struggled for a few seconds before noticing you haven't, in fact, taken off the cap on the milk box. You scoffed at yourself while Minho observed you grow more and more frustrated as the cereal box wouldn't open properly, and when you finally opened it, cereal fell all over the place, and it took everything in you to not simply smash the box and sit on the ground and cry.

"Fuck." You cursed under your breath and closed your eyes, trying to control yourself to not burst out crying. You were hormonal, tired, and Haru started screaming again.

"Hey." Minho stood up and put his hands on your shoulders. "You need some rest, Da-Eun. I know you want to spend as much time as you can with him, but I am here too. Would you let me help?"

"I don't need help." You mumbled, feeling the tears win against your composure.

Minho hugged you. "I know you don't need it. That's not why I asked you. I want you to let me face the hard parts of parenthood as well, so don't just take the burden yourself. Yea?" He placed his hand on the back of your head and caressed your hair as you sobbed in his arms.

"Yea. Okay." You nodded.

"Why don't you go lay down in bed for a while? I'll go calm Haru down and then fix you a plate, then you could sleep for a couple hours."

"That sounds good." You replied between your sobs.

"Good." He smiled and pulled away from you. "You can go to my room, as it's the furthest away from the nursery. You won't be able to hear anything in there."


You made your way towards Minho's room and plopped yourself on the bed, covering your body with the covers. His room was cozy, like the whole house, and his bed smelled just like him, which brought you a weird sense of peace.

You wondered when you started being this comfortable around Minho, to the point where his smell alone brought you comfort.

Closing your eyes, you immediately drifted off to sleep.


"Da-Eun, darling, wake up." A soothing voice whispered in your ear, and you felt your head being caressed gently.

"A few more minutes, please?"

"Don't be lazy." The voice chuckled.

"When have I ever been?" You laughed, your eyes still closed.

"Is our baby making you so tired?"

"He's difficult. He cries a lot." You replied with a sigh.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now