Chapter 11 - Surprise visit

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You slowly opened your eyes and noticed the bold red letters on the digital clock on the nightstand showing the time, 08:20. You felt well rested, despite going to bed so late last night.

The only disappointing thing about this morning was that Minho was not next to you when you woke up. Remembering how you went to sleep last night, though, brought a small blush to your cheeks, and aroused you to no end as your mind repeated Minho's low moans over and over.

Fuck, you loved hearing him. His hand on the back of your head, his thumb stroking your cheek. You remembered everything as you closed your eyes, your hand making its way under your pants as you started rubbing yourself gently.

You focused on his moans, you envisioned his neediness from last night, the way his head rolled back, his grunts. How dominating he's been when using your mouth to get off.

Fuck. It was getting too much.

Rubbing circles on your clit, you let out a final breath as you cummed on your fingers, your feet trembling. You just wished it was Minho between your legs, not your hand, but this was good enough for a quick release for now.

You went to the bathroom to freshen up, and when you got out, you were surprised to hear sounds coming from the kitchen. Minho was lazily chugging on some water and making breakfast, two plates neatly placed on the table.

"Good morning!" You greeted him, laughing after seeing him choking on the water and spilling it everywhere.

"Fuck." He laughed, wiping himself. "Good morning, babe. Slept well?"

You ignored the nickname, trying not to let it get to you. If you would've focused on it, you knew you would become a blushing mess, and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of teasing you successfully.

"Yea. What about you?"

"Haru didn't fuss too much after I calmed him down, so I'm well rested as well."

"Something's burning in the pan." You chuckled and pointed to the stove.

"Shit!" He quickly looked at the burnt egg he was trying to fry, making you burst out laughing.

"That's okay!" You exclaimed, noticing the two lines forming on his forehead from the big frown. "I should cook next time."

"You know how to?!" He looked at you shocked.

"Of course!"

"Then why haven't you ever?!" He asked and laughed baffled.

"Uhm..." You started smirking, biting your fingernail.

"Hm???" He got in your face very insistently, and you covered your face with both your hands, feeling a blush creep up on your cheeks.

"Nooo, I can't say it!" You squirmed and tried to leave the kitchen as Minho captured your body with his arms and kept you from running away.

"Don't think you can go anywhere!" He laughed, holding you close, and you were sure your cheeks were completely red by now, your attempt on not focusing on the damn babe ending up being pointless.

You were a blushing mess, after all.

"Minho! Let me gooooo~" You laughed as well and started wiggling in his arms, only to turn around and notice that your faces were really close.

In that moment, both of you calmed down and glanced into each other's eyes. It was like time stood still.

"You're kind of... good looking when you cook." You admitted in a whisper, noticing the way his eyes trailed to your lips and back to your eyes.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now