Chapter 2 - Gifts around the dinner table

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"Helloooo! Look who I brought!" Taemin sang, balancing four wine bottles in his hands, Onew following him shortly behind.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the guy who said he can't come." Minho exclaimed and got up to hug the older. You got up as well, to greet them properly.

"I have so much work to do! But Taemin basically dragged me-" Onew started, before getting interrupted.

"Da-Eun!" Taemin exclaimed and ran to you, hugging you tightly. You got along with him a lot, since he was such a happy, open person. You truly liked him, maybe also because he was the closest to you in age.

"Yah, let me meet her too, will you?" Onew laughed then came over to you with a bouquet of various spring flowers. "I'm Jinki, it's nice to meet you!"

"The pleasure is mine, I'm happy that all of you managed to come today after all."

"Let's sit down." Key instructed everyone.

"Wait, I'm gonna go get a glass for Jinki." You remembered. Since you were about to play host for the whole night, you had to play the part right.

"Wait, I'll go get it. Is Key still keeping them in the top cabinet?" Minho asked you, and as soon as you nodded, he ran to the kitchen. He apparently had other plans in store, seeming to be mindful of you.


"Okay, okay, let's see. Da-Eun, give us your best, cheesiest pick-up line." Minho laughed, reading the small card in the deck.

You've been playing 1000 questions for a while now, and the boys already managed to down almost 2 bottles of wine.

"Hmmmm, let's see. Let me think." You rubbed your chin with your fingers for a couple of seconds until you remembered what one of your customers told you that made you cringe for the whole day afterwards, partly because of the pick-up line itself, partly because the dude was a creep.

"It's okay, take your time." Kibum nodded empathetically.

"What's on the menu?" You looked at Minho.

"I don't know, what?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Me n U." You winked and smirked, making the boys laugh.

"Y'all she got rizz!" Jinki exclaimed, and Kibum was already wiping tears from the corners of his eyes as Minho burst out into laughter. The joke wasn't that funny, but they were all getting drunk pretty fast, and drunk men are the easiest to amuse.

"Ok, next card, to Jinki: tell us your best joke."

"Hmm, okay. What do clouds wear?"

You smiled and urged him to continue.


"Wow, that was lame." Taemin laughed, soon followed by everyone else.

"Wait, since you're going to have a kid, does that mean that next year you'll compete against Jinki at saying dad jokes?" Minho laughed at Kibum, who burst out laughing again.

"No wayyy!"

"Come on, they're funny!" I playfully slapped Key's leg, who grabbed my hand lovingly and kissed it.

"You're all mean." Jinki pouted. "I have another one! Da-Eun, how do you get if Key disappoints you?"

"I don't know. How?" You chuckled.

"You get Ki-bummed out." He laughed, and this one actually made you snort.

The boys also seemed to find it funny as heck, as Taemin started holding his belly from laughter and Minho was already on the floor, literally, rolling.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now