Chapter 3 - In the blink of an eye

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Three months later, you and Kibum decided to get it over with and go to the City Hall and sign your marriage papers. It was easier to sign the birth certificate as a married couple without worrying about any custody issues, and you were still going to stick to the plan of having the actual wedding party after the baby was born.

You were very nervous the morning of, and kind of bummed out as well, because you wouldn't even go with Kibum there. He went to pick up his parents on his mom's command, and your relationship with her was already rocky, so you let it slide and accepted Minho's gracious offer of having him drive you instead.

You got in the car, and Taemin and Jinki were already inside, but they let you sit in the front to help with the impending nausea.

"So, nervous?!" Taemin asked.

"Why would she be? It's not like signing a death sentence! Unless..." Jinki started, and you turned around throwing him a nasty look before all of you started laughing.

"White fits you, Da-Eun!" Taemin complimented you.

"Really? I feel like I'm so huge, I'm really insecure right now..." You frowned.

"No, you're really beautiful, don't worry." Minho smiled at you, and the other boys agreed with an eager nod of the head.

"Thanks. Okay... should we go, then?"

Minho started driving. You and Key decided to go to a city hall in the next city, where all of his other family lived, for a bit more peace and quiet. Even if you wouldn't actually have a wedding yet, you still were going to party and meet the rest of his cousins, uncles and aunts. Having to go to another city meant taking the highway and having a car trip, which you weren't super eager about, but the three boys riding with you made everything better, as you sang along to popular tunes on the radio and joked around.

After a while, you noticed a car in front of you that was really similar to Key's, which would mean you had extremely good timing to make both of you end up on the highway at the same time. However, you couldn't see the plates, the car still far away from yours, so you just asked the boys instead.

"Is that Kibum's car?" You pointed out.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, it's pretty far away." Minho tilted his head and pressed the gas pedal so you could go a bit faster and reach the car to check.

"It looks like it." Taemin popped his head between the two chairs in the front.

"Taemin, please stay put. What if something happens? You're going to fly right through the windshield! Put your seatbelt as well! You too, Jinki!" You scolded.

"Woah, look at her, a mom already and the baby isn't even here." Jinki joked.

"Well, you both act like little kids, so..." Minho added, making you laugh.

"I'm gonna call Key!" Taemin shouted and pulled out his phone. "Where are you?" He spoke, putting it on speaker.

"Oh, hey. On the highway."

"Did you just pass by a SK Gas Station?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"We are right behind you!"

"So it was him..." You whispered.

"Good eyes." Minho told you, chuckling.

"Right? The baby's gonna have amazing vision."

"Really? That's crazy. Woah, how did we manage this?"  Key laughed.

"Hahah. We are quick, that's how! Anyway, I'm gonna hang up now, drive safe!" Taemin mimicked a kiss and put his phone back in his jeans.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now