Chapter 13 - Late Honeymoon

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"I CAME HERE TO DROP SOME MONEY" You sang happily, and Minho joined in.





"Da-Eun!!! The uncensored version?!" Minho laughed. You were more than three hours into the trip to the luxury villa Minho's parents' rented out a room for you to have your 'Late Honeymoon', as they liked to call it.

"Oh my God!" You laughed. "What, are you scared of some curse words, mister?"

"Me?! Never! Was just surprised, that's all."

"Why would you be? I cussed you out like 10 times when we fought?!"

"Argh, bringing it up again!"

"What, you think I'd ever let you forget?" You chuckled.

"I kinda like it when you cuss me out."


"Makes me want to punish you." He smirked.

"Minho!" You playfully slapped his arm. "Don't annoy me, I'll bite you."

"Bet?" He glanced at you threateningly.

"Eyes on the road, please!"

"Oh, are we already there?" He asked as he glanced ahead, making you turn your eyes to the beautiful white villa as well. It looked like something you'd only see in the movies, and you wondered how expensive staying here for 10 nights was.

"Seems so. It's beautiful."

"Yea, it really is."

Minho parked the car, and a valet welcomed the two of you, taking your bags and showing you to the reception.

After checking in, you found out you were going to stay in an elegant, all-white baroque style giant room with a balcony. It was royal looking, but what stood out the most were not the intricate details on the walls, nor the beautiful golden mirror, but the big, king-size bed you were going to be sharing with Minho for almost two weeks.

You couldn't wait to finally sleep next to him.

"Let's get lunch!" He exclaimed and grabbed your hand. It felt nice to hold his hand, and you noticed the golden ring on his finger once again, which made you smile.

You had a wonderful time eating in the garden, then walked along the beach with your feet in the water. It was already July, so the water was warm, and the sun was pleasant on your skin.

You spent the rest of the day lazing around, then went to the gym with Minho for some quick cardio. You weren't really up for intense workouts, but enjoyed watching Minho's back and triceps as he did his usual work-out routine.

After taking a shower and eating dinner, you strolled around the garden, still hand in hand, when you stumbled upon a loud club.

"Shall we go in?" You pointed to it.

"Wanna finally show me your great dance moves?" He chuckled.

"That, and get blackout drunk so I won't remember the embarrassment." You laughed. "Maybe I should get you drunk too."

"Sounds like a good idea!" He laughed as well and dragged you inside.

He didn't waste a second to pull you to the dance floor where multiple people were already drunk and grinding on each other.

"So soon?!" You complained. "I didn't even drink yet!"

"You might want to forget, but I want to remember." He whispered in your ear, making you shudder.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now