Chapter 8 - Are you moving on?

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Minho opened the apartment's door holding a big McDonald's takeout bag. He didn't really like eating it. If he's going to have unhealthy food, he'd much rather make some ramen noodles. But still, you mentioned in passing that you've been craving some, so he thought why not bring it since he's going out anyway?

The lights were turned off, but a distant TV sound could be heard coming from the living room.

You were sleeping soundly on the sofa, and Haru was awake, but making no noise, just stirring a bit, probably soon falling back asleep.

"Hello, baby." He approached the crib and watched Haru fondly, but decided against picking him up. Instead, he came next to you and sat down on the floor, looking at your sleeping face.

You looked peaceful compared to the last time he woke you up, when you were a crying mess and clearly agitated. He didn't ask what you were dreaming about, but he had a guess.

Your hand was placed close to your head, and he didn't know what came over him, but he placed his on yours, and was surprised to feel you squeeze his palm softly.

How hard was it for you? Were you missing being touched? Being held?

Was that why you always responded positively whenever he initiated any sort of contact between you two? Be it a hug, a gentle caress, or simple hand holding in the early hours of the morning when Haru wouldn't go back to sleep.

If you did, why did you never tell him? Why did you never come first to him?

Did you think you would make him uncomfortable?

You were getting cozy in the apartment, that much was clear. The first few days it was like you were walking on shattered glass, you didn't want to disturb him, you didn't make much noise, it didn't even feel like you were there most of the time.

He wasn't sure if you viewed the place as 'home', but he was sure that giving you enough time, you would warm up to this house, to him.

You started stirring a bit in your sleep, and when you woke up, seeing Minho's asleep face right next to yours made your heart skip a bit.

You were definitely not catching any feelings.

It would be bad to do so.

Key died 3 months ago.

It was just infatuation. Minho was always there, sometimes half naked, taking care of your baby and of all your needs.

He was just there, and you were lonely, and touched starved. And he was hot and gorgeous, you couldn't deny that. All of SHINee were.

That didn't mean anything.

It couldn't.

You still loved Key, so how could you fall for someone else so shortly after his passing?

You must be insane.

Still, when Minho fluttered his eyelashes and looked lazily at you, a gentle smile on his face, you swore you felt your chest tighten.

And when he spoke, you were sure you kinda loved him, because he said the magic words.

"Hey. I got you McDonalds."

"Marry me." You replied, making Minho laugh.

"I have already, haven't I?"

"You wore your ring today."

"Oh, did you watch the show?"

"No." You chuckled.

"How was my speech?"

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now