Chapter 6 - The Birth

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"Everything looks great!" The doctor exclaimed after checking your baby's vitals through the monitor. This was your final appointment before the birth, unless something went wrong.

Minho let out a relieved sigh and held your hand tight with both of his, kissing it.

A gesture of comfort, perhaps.

You glanced at his fingers, no ring in sight.

You were wearing yours, so it stung, but you understood. Friends weren't supposed to be married.

That was okay. You didn't have any romantic feelings for him.

Still, why did your heart ache a bit seeing that he wasn't wearing his?

"So, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Scared." You chuckled nervously, and felt Minho's grip become tighter.

"When is he supposed to come?" Minho asked, and he seemed as nervous as you were.

"When he's ready. Any day now. Dear, you don't have to be scared. Your body will know what to do once it's time." The doctor assured you.

"So... now what?" You asked again.

"Well, I'd recommend you go home and rest for the next 2-3 days, then come get admitted to the clinic."


Just as the doctor instructed, Minho helped you pack a bag of essentials and drove you to the hospital 3 days later, when the first wave of contractions flushed over you. They were short, and about 30 minutes to an hour apart, so you knew you weren't about to give birth then and there, but still, it was a warning sign.

You checked into one of your clinic's rooms and laid in bed, reading something. You couldn't focus on anything. The contractions started becoming more frequent, and you started to worry. What if something went wrong? What if you couldn't give birth naturally? Would it hurt really bad? Would you have to get a C section? Would your baby be born healthy?

Faint sounds coming from Minho's phone distracted you from your thoughts a bit, and you were glad you weren't alone. Still, you worried that Minho was getting bored.

"You know you don't have to stay here, right?"

"Hm?" He asked absentmindedly, eyes focused on the screen.

"I will ask the nurse to call you if I'm about to give birth. You can go home." You chuckled, seeing Minho's frown after losing at whatever game he was trying to play.

"No, I want to be with my wife when she gives birth." He quickly responded, getting frustrated at his phone.

"What are you playing?"

"Just this game called FIFA." He said, his eyes glued to his phone as he tapped on the screen furiously.

"And are you losing? What is it about?"

"You're basically playing football, you have this team and..." Minho started explaining, but you couldn't focus on what he was saying. Instead, you felt tears poking in the corners of your eyes and you let out a quiet sob, which made Minho look away from his game and stare at you.

"Da-Eun, what's wrong?" He discarded the phone immediately and jumped up from the sofa in front of the bed, running towards you. "Are you sick? Should I call the nurse? Is it time?" He asked anxiously, but you just shook your head.

"Not yet... I just..." You started crying and covered your face with your hands.

"What's wrong, hm?" He sat on the bed and hugged you, caressing your back.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now