Chapter 9 - Losing your temper

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~5 months later~

You were now completely settled into the motherhood life, and you felt like you were losing your mind.

You denied Minho's request to hire a nanny during the day when he was away, and it went alright at first, but now you regretted it badly and didn't know how to really reapproach the subject without feeling like a failure.

Other mothers are able to take care of their child on their own, so why couldn't you?

You started feeling very overwhelmed, and as usual, your bad coping mechanisms were drowning all your sorrows and pretending the problem is not there, acting completely composed on the outside while breaking on the inside.

Getting Haru to eat became harder, as you had to start introducing him to solids, but you were at least glad he was starting to sleep better during the night, so you managed to get at least 5-6 hours in.

Except for the past 3 nights, because Haru started teething, and was crying non-stop from the pain.

It just so happened that Minho had to be away to film a promotion a few cities over during this horrible period of your life, and you've been alone with the baby getting no rest at all.

You were sick of his crying, and you felt like your head was about to explode, so when Haru started up again, you just felt the need to leave the nursery and just go in the kitchen, away from his sobs, to clear your head.

You cried for a good while, cursing every God in existence, and you felt you were getting bad, all the emotions getting under your skin. You dreaded looking in the mirror and seeing the prominent dark circles under your eyes, you didn't manage to eat anything for the past 2 days, and Minho not coming home meant you've been deprived of all human contact.

It was bad.

You opened your phone and noticed he's been texting, but you quite literally didn't have a moment to yourself to freaking shower.

Whatever, he's going to come back today anyway. You thought, so you instead opened Twitter and started scrolling mindlessly, until something caught your eye.


SHINee's Minho spotted cozying next to co-star on film set.

Fans are having mixed feelings after pictures of Choi Minho holding his co-star, Hye-ri, by the waist started circulating the web.

A fan secretly took a picture and shared it on her page on Twitter, with the caption 'And he said he was married!'. The picture started being shared like wild fire around SHINee communities, with many...


You rolled your eyes as you stopped reading. The picture was a bit compromising, but you knew the Media had a way to twist everything and make anyone look bad. They surely were just friends, so what were they on about?

Still, curiosity got the better of you and you went down to the comment section, reading what others had to say.


"I mean, can we even blame him? Who wouldn't fall for Hye-ri?"

"lol and they said he has a wife and a kid sksksksks"

"come on we don't know what his relationship with his wife OR this actress is, stop assuming"

"he's THE minho, why would want to be with a nameless bitch lol"

"i ship him and Hye-ri!"

"lmfao imagine being his 'wife' at home seeing this what a loser"

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now